Saturday, September 5, 2009

.When class ends

So there I was
yesterday morning at 7:25am,
right in the middle of my lesson on the Plan of Salvation.
We just read Alma 11:42-45 to figure out what we will be
like after we are resurrected.
I'm pretty excited for them to learn that everyone who
lived on Earth, righteous or not, will have an immortal
physical body because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

A student in the back raises her hand! I'm shocked that
someone actually wants to add something! YAY!
"Sister Gusa, this question doesn't have
to do with the lesson or anything. But
when is this class supposed to be over?
7:20 or 7:30?"


I say: "7:30"
Says she: "Last year we finished at 7:20"
Me: "Oh, sorry, Brother Gusa taught your
class last year and he told me 7:30"
Her: "He was supposed to finish at 7:20"
Apparently she knows more than me on this subject.
Everyone starts putting their scriptures away...
I speed through the remaining words I wanted to say to
them, bear a quick testimony about having an eternal
perspective, and ask someone to pray.

They all run to the gym to play basketball and wait for
their buses that don't come until 8:30...


That's how exciting my lesson was yesterday! haha



mommaquincy said...

I'm pretty sure that no teenagers have an attention span of longer than 30 minutes, unless a video game or movie is involved. I always found that my Young Women were much more into my lesson the first 15 minutes, than the last 15 minutes. Good luck!

The Duenas Family said...

so what if your lessons are boring...your blog is fun to read...hmmm, i have an idea. maybe you should write out your lesson like you do your blog. i always enjoy it :)

ok, on a serious note. that sucks. i die everytime i have to teach young womens....and that's only every 4 months! although none of them have asked me when it's done, they've glanced at the clock about a 100 times letting me know that i'm boring. so see, you're not alone. ;)


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