Monday, September 21, 2009

.A tender mercy

This morning my lesson
in seminary went pretty well,
as they have been going well since I started. I never really know if the
kids are getting as much from the lessons as I am though... How do
you ever know that? I suppose some of the kids are responding to my
ever-persistent prodding and questioning during class. So they must
be hearing something. Right?

At least I hope so.

We've been talking a bit about how worthy followers of Christ are
blessed and helped through life.

This morning that reality hit me pretty hard.

After class I dropped Air off at the train station so that he could get
to his stats class on time. Right after I pulled out of the station I
realized that Air had forgotten his bus pass! He had forgotten his
entire wallet! I didn't think that he could get on the train without it.
I turned right around, hoping that he had come back out to find me...
but he was nowhere to be seen.

I sat there, waiting for him to come back and remember his wallet.

I was thinking, 'boy it would sure be nice to have a cell phone or a
pay phone handy. He must be just standing there in the train station

trying to reach me at home'... but I wasn't home. I was parked right
where I had dropped him off.
I didn't want to drive all the way home and then have to come back
just to give him his wallet. He would have missed his class by then!

I started thinking about asking someone who pulled up if I could use
their cell phone... I thought that was a pretty crazy/creepy thing to do,
but just as I turned to the minivan that pulled up behind me I noticed
that the lady was someone I recognized! It was Sister Dowling! I knew
that she was an incredibly sweet lady and I just couldn't believe my
luck that she should pull up there right then!

I waved and started walking towards her, she rolled down her window
and said, "Hey Sister Gusa! How are you?" I began to ask if she had a
cell phone that I could use, but before I could even finish my words,
tears came to my eyes... and before I knew it, I was crying! AHH!!
She hopped out of her car and gave me a big hug.. {thinking that
something horrible had happened, or that my car broke down}

I am still so embarrassed that I cried at all, I really wasn't that scared
or nervous about Air not having his bus pass... I figured he might have
been able to get on the train without it, and hopefully nobody would
check him for it today.
{Luckily Sister Dowling is a crier too, so she understood my silly
emotional response to something so insignificant... haha}

I cried because I was so grateful that she showed up. I couldn't
believe that I was being given this blessing.

There aren't a lot of people I know around Edmonton normally. In fact,
this is probably the third time that I've bumped into someone from
church outside of church.
I really think that the Lord was blessing me this morning when he
prompted me to ask someone if I could use their cell phone. That's not
something that I would normally do. Ever.
I am really grateful that Heavenly Father knows my concerns and my
problems. I felt his love so strongly this morning. I'm grateful that he
extends his hand to me, because he loves me.

It's so wonderful to know that.



Erika Ellis said...

Thanks for sharing that story. That just made my day.

mommaquincy said...

I am glad He's watching out for you! Aaron is lucky to have you watching out for him, too!

Nikki said...

Thank you so much for your post, Amber. Isn't it still so amazing how much Heavenly Father loves us and takes care of us? I needed to read your post so much right now. I've been going through a really rough time and sometimes it's hard to remember that Heavenly Father does love me and does care about what I'm going through and that He really is there for me even though times are tough. Thanks for the reminder:)

Are you working at all yet? John is going to Vancouver for a few days next week, I will be bored out of my tree, ha ha.

Jessica said...

What a great story! Thanks for sharing.

The Gibb Family said...

You are so cute Amber! I would have been bawling right there beside you! And that is a great story.
I'm glad your seminary class is going good - I'm sure you are a fantastic teacher!

Gwen said...

I can't ask for any favor without crying because I'm so grateful for the love and help before I even ask. Do you think we're related?


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