Today I discovered that we've been living with mice. It was actually about 20 minutes ago.
I have no idea how I never noticed them running around before!

I just took these pictures too, can you believe it!!?? They made me a beautiful ball gown and we've just been dancing around the house singing for joy ever since! Now that I think of it, I've always wanted pet mice!

I lied just now.
Unlike Cinderella, I don't feel too good about this fact. And I'm learning a lesson: Life isn't always how it is in the movies. Well, I learned that lesson when I was like 4, but here I am again, learning that lesson.
The little guy was in the bucket of water that sits under our water heater catching drips, it needs to be dumped EVERY DAY and we just dumped it last night. Today when Air went to class I went to dump it again and beheld:
I had to dispose of him myself because Air is still gone to class... I'm so glad that he had already died because I kept imagining him suddenly swimming to the top and jumping out at me!! AHH!! I am horrible when it comes to spiders and rodents.
Since I found him I've just been huddled in the corner of our sofa rocking back and forth, nervously staring at the floor and watching for more of them. haha... ok, not really, but I don't think I'll sleep too well for a while.
I just need to get up the nerves to go back into the laundry room and check if any mice have chewed up our food storage. GAH!!
Anyone know of any REALLY cheap apartments nearby?
I am so very sorry. Mice are the very worst! Good luck.
The mice may have just come in out of the cold. I don't know if there's poison someone put out for them somewhere, but it always makes them very thirsty and they head for water. I have nightmares of mice for weeks after I see one. I hope that you don't have more. BTW; nice work on the mouse story! You should write a book!
Hopefully it's only the one. That reminds me of our apartment in Logan. We ended up catching 13. We'd lay in bed at night and listen to them run up and down the walls and then BANG. I was lucky that Ty was always around to dispose of them. And yes, they got into our food storage. Good luck!!
Ew. Nasty. Almost the SAME thing happened to us last week. I've never seen a mouse in the basement, and yet I went in to the laundry room to get my clothes and there was a dead mouse on top of the furnace. I know he wasn't there the night before so how he died so fast, I have no idea. I made Jesse get rid of it and I have watched every corner and shelf of my house with extra paranoia because I really can't handle another one. P.S. We love you guys.
Amber do you want to hide at my house? I hate mice - my parents get them at their house. You can buy these sonar plugs at canadian tire that supposebly repel them.
Oh, Amber, if anyone feels for you, it's me. Have you heard my mouse story yet? If not, make sure I tell you some time...I am deathly afraid of mice. I sincerely hope it's just the one.
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