Friday, April 19, 2013

.saddest sad face ever

It's snowing again... It's April 19th for goodness sake. The forecast says it will snow tomorrow as well... so much for my weekend plans of cleaning out the garage and going for family walks?
Well, those things may still happen, they just might not be quite as pleasant as I'd hoped.

And because it is a bit of a gloomy day, I'm sharing the most amazing video to date of Ames' sad sad face. Can I please just eat him up?

Happy weekend? Hope your weather's better than ours.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

.insta-vine time

20130416 stand up (3) 20130416 stand up (4)

The little guy loves a challenge. When he’s sitting on the floor he dives for the ottoman and just slowly pulls himself up to it on his knees and then stands. No crawling involved, just sheer determination to stand. And once he’s up, he always has to see how long he can go without holding on. Taking those awesome excited breaths all along the way. He’s so proud of himself. As am I.


This is his buddy Rhys… we like to think they love each other. They’re 5 months apart, but Ames seems to be pretty big for his age.

20130412 Ames and Rhys (14) edit20130412 Ames and Rhys (3) edit20130412 Ames and Rhys (6) edit


Ames has amazing hair that will do whatever I command it to do.

20130404 mohawk ames (4)


We loved watching General Conference together as a family a few weeks ago… boy was that a relaxing and uplifting weekend.

20130406 conference (4)


We’ve been loading up on fruit lately… ridiculously excited about spring!

20130404 melons (2) edit


Swinging at the park some more and a walk with the family. The snow is melting away for real this time! Yayay!

20130414 swinging


We got an amazing package in the mail from my Aunt Nancy in Utah! We missed the annual family Easter bash again this year, but they were so kind to involve us by sending this adorable care package.
Thanks so much guys! We love you!

20130416 easter bash package (2) edit20130416 easter bash package (11) edit20130416 easter bash package (10) edit20130416 easter bash package (3) edit

Monday, April 8, 2013

.eighth month

20130407 Ames is 8 months (66) edit

Our baby keeps growing. This is really happening at an unbelievable pace. This month Ames has started wearing 12 month clothes. He was breaking through the toes of his jammies, so it had to happen (I was hoping those smaller jammies would stunt his growth for a little while, but no).

This weekend we noticed Ames has a 5th tooth (bottom left side) and 3 more on the way! Soon he’ll have 8 TEETH! He and I have had a terrible cold all week, but I never even considered that he may have been teething on top of it. Poor little guy.

Ames learned to pull himself up from sitting to kneeling and then to standing. He’ll even let go sometimes and balance for a moment. He hasn’t started crawling yet, but he likes to get on his hands and knees and rock… then he’ll roll around to get what he wants. As soon as Ames learns to sit up, we’re in trouble. We dropped his mattress down to the lower setting this weekend, just in case.

20130407 Ames is 8 months (13) edit20130407 Ames is 8 months (31) edit220130407 Ames is 8 months (81) edit20130407 Ames is 8 months (80) edit

That’s our boy, always wakes up so happy… what a dream boat.

20130407 Ames is 8 months (95) edit

…and here’s that new tooth (careful, he bites)  ↓↓

20130407 Ames is 8 months (44) edit

Thursday, April 4, 2013

.fun and Ames

20130403 home (7) edit

Ames loves to play with toys, that’s for sure.

We love to get Ames new toys, that’s for sure.

This little ball pit is fun… definitely doesn’t come with as many balls as the picture shows though… lol

20130403 home (3) edit20130403 home (8) edit

And he’s a little musician on his drum/xylophone/chime table.

20130402 new toy (3) edit

But Ames’ favorite toys have always been his Mama and Papa, that’s for sure.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

.insta-vine and lately times

20130326 walk (15)

Spring is here, the sun is out, the snow is melting, and we’ve been spending time outside! Ames love love loves the swings at the park near our house. He is so cute in there kicking his feet and breathing so fast. This was his first time in a swing.

20130326 walk (1)

There is still quite a bit of snow to be melted though.

20130327 home (7)

We had one final snowstorm on the second day of spring. They said it was our biggest one of the entire winter!? I made cookies and we definitely stayed inside that day.

20130321 snowday (5)20130321 snowday (4)

…and because a few of my friends asked for it—here’s my recipe for peanut butter cookies:

20130322 recipe problems

Enough about the weather! Here’s some more randomness:

garlic that’s been growing away on my countertop. Gross, yet pretty?

20130317 garlic (3)

Ames’ feet just keep growing, and my feet seem to be shrinking or something. Guess it’s time to go up a size in jammies!

20130327 feet20130317 toe (3)

imadeface… just silly, they don’t really look like us, I know

20130319 imadeface (1)20130319 imadeface (2)20130319 imadeface (3)

FHE (family home evening) with the family at our house. Do you think this baby is loved enough?

20130325 fhe (4)

My annual rainbow egg

20130329 rainbow egg (2)

We sold our sofa so we could get a bigger one. It was funny driving around with a big sofa in the back. (we actually made $200 on this sofa since we originally bought it for half price! hehe I love kijiji)

20130330 sofa exchange (4)

TARGET IN CANADA!!! Not open yet, but it’s getting so close. I can't wait.

20130401 target on april fools day (4)


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