Tuesday, August 25, 2009


That's right friends and family! I'm finally getting my Permanent Residence in Canada!!

I'm a "landed immigrant"

I had no idea how difficult and expensive this would be when Air and I started working on my paperwork last year in June... It's taken over a year to get this over with!

I can finally work, get medical coverage, and pay taxes! WOO!
{funny, those all happen to be things that I don't really like}

Ever since this post, Air has been begging me to let you know that I love Canada too.
So here you go; a few things that I love about Canada:

all Mountain Dew is caffeine free

the summer sun is up until 11pm

there's so much cultural diversity here it feels like I'm somewhere really exotic

poutine fries

Air's awesome family

it's just plain beautiful!

They call this a "touque":
They call these 'buns', it's only a 'roll' if it's rolled like a cinnamon roll:

They spell this 'cheque' instead of 'check':

And sometimes this happens:

(I did take this picture, but I don't think that's really beer... is it?)

So come and visit us! .............YES YOU!



mommaquincy said...

It looks like the perfect place to be in the heat of the summer! congrats on your status! What kind of work are you looking for?

Jessica said...

Is that gravy on those fries?

Congrats on your new-found freedoms and responsibilities!

Ambs said...

Chris- I'm applying to be a teacher's aid at an elementary school. And if I don't get that job I'll probably just work for the company that Aaron works for taking care of autistic kids... We'll see!

Jessica- that IS gravy on those fries! And cheese curds! You wouldn't think it's good... but IT IS!!! It's one of those French things that's caught on here.

Robert, Melanie and fam said...

AHHhh who crapped on your fries!??? What is that on there? Also love the thumbs up in the family picture!


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