Sunday, August 30, 2009

.New Calling

Welp, I can tell you now

While we were in Utah, Brother Martin from the Stake was trying to get a hold of me.

He had a calling to extend...

I was scared (to say the least) when I considered what it might be.
I even cried.
I cry a lot though, so that's nothing special.
I felt extremely inadequate. Still do.
I somehow knew what it would be and prepared myself for the question.

It ended up being exactly what I feared.
I accepted.
I'm going to be an early morning seminary teacher this year!
Starting August 3rd at 6:30am.
So now I embark on this incredibly STEEP learning curve.
With very little time for anything but studying and working.

At least I can prepare my lessons with Air who is teaching the older class again!
He is insanely excited about that fact.
I'm really grateful for his enthusiasm and motivation.
Personally I feel a little numb...
I'm just going to take this one day at a time.
How did the Stake leaders know that this calling
was the very thing that I needed to grow?
They are so inspired...

Wish me luck? ...or even better, Pray for me??


mommaquincy said...

You are going to do great! That is a big calling! Those kids are going to love you and will be teaching you as you teach them. That's what's so awesome about working with youth!

Jessica said...

Good luck!

Missy said...

My dad's job is to travel around Oregon and supervise the early morning teachers. Here's a little advice from him on what makes a good teacher:

--Ask good questions that make them think and don't give them the answers. Make them come up with the answers on their own.
--The less you speak, the better.
--Involve the students by making them learn and figure it out. Don't spoon feed them.
--Get them into the Book of Mormon.
--Love them. Be genuinely interested in them.

Amber, you will do awesome!! What a great learning experience.

Linda said...

You are going to do great. I am glad it is you and not me though. :)

Gwen said...

You'll do great. Good luck!


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