Monday, February 23, 2009

.I miss you

Although Canada is beautiful and virtually recession free, I can't help but miss that remarkable place to the South of here, from which I hail. Yes, I'm talking about the only place in the world where there's a Queen and a President. Where there's a world within a country within a World. Where I can shop at Target, Buckle, and Bath and Body Works. And, most importantly, where there's a Leary family and a bunch of my leery friends. :) Maybe it's just because my birthday is coming up and I haven't been away from my family and friends for my b'day... well.... ever (Even when I was in Chicago I visited home every year).
Anyway, I MISS YOU!

Boy did I take Target for granted... I NEED that store!

This is the huge family - I'm not even going to start to name everyone here

Niki and Nichole (who I still consider my sisters)

I would never say I'm home sick......... but maybe I am? haha
Even though I'm closer to home now than I was in Chicago there's something about that border between us that makes me feel farther away. We are really looking forward to our next trip down there for Easter!


Alana said...

Amber we DO have Bath and Body works - it's in West Ed. It was wonderful when it came it hasn't been her very long. I hope you have a great Birthday even though you are stuck in Canada with us.

mommaquincy said...

Happy almost birthday! A Queen in which country? I'm confused!

Nikki said...

Sorry to hear that you're having a rough time with missing your family and friends so much. It must be tough. But hang in there, we here in the frozen northlands love you too!

Robert, Melanie and fam said...

Happy Birthday tomorrow Amb! I miss you so much! I wish I could see you more often! I totally know how you feel though being so far away but it does feel like our further away being in Canada! I wish we could visit Utah more but right now only once a year is all we can afford! Anyways stay in touch. Here is my blog if you want to check it out Love your guts!!


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