Thursday, October 7, 2010

.tender mercy

On Friday, Air skipped his class and I didn't work (my work schedule is less predictable than the weather). So we went for a drive to look at houses and fall colors. We love to do this.

We were driving through a nearby neighborhood of little older homes and clean streets with kids skipping around in the yards. It was beautiful. Everything looks more beautiful in the fall. I saw a 'FOR SALE' sign in front of a house and made Aaron turn around and go down that street. We pulled up in front of the house and noticed it was empty, so we walked up and looked in the big front window. I instantly fell in love with the place. We walked around to see the back yard. It was fantastic too.

Believe it or not, we are a little weary of this basement we live in. Yes, we have had a great two years here, and it's been such a blessing to have a place; but sometimes we feel like a change would be good. We just have no idea how we can do that. We really just can't. But when I saw this house my brain couldn't stop trying to figure out a way to have it!

That is... until we were sitting in the car about to pull away from the house and Air looked out my window across the street and said these three words: "Hey, there's Andy"

{Background: Andy is one of the handicapped kids who Air works with. You may have heard him tell stories about Andy--he's a really funny kid. But basically he is one of the more dangerous kids in the company too. Pretty much a danger to society, really. Of course it's not his fault--he has brain damage. But he is dangerous none-the-less.}

As it turns out, Andy was recently moved to this new group home, and it just happened to be right across the street from my dream home--which is actually for sale!

I can't even begin to describe all of the problems we'd have if we were to live across the street from Andy. He loves LOVES Air and wouldn't be able to stay away if we were so close.

My dream died right there.

But that's where the tender mercy part of this post comes in, because at least I let the dream go willingly this way... I might not be so lucky with the next house I fall in love with.



Nikki said...

It's hard to fall in love with a house you can't have, isn't it?

mommaquincy said...

Isn't it interesting how the Lord sends us messages! I hope you wait and fall in love with a house a little closer to West Jordan, Utah!

Laura Leary said...

Homes are nice to have. You have a home here. Wish you were here and happy Thanksgiving!


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