Monday, June 14, 2010

.dirty carnies included

Beaumont Days fair and fireworks show on Saturday night:

Tessa and I were beyond excited to be there!

Air was probably just lucky he was awake after the longest work week EVER

That Air sure knows his way around a camera:

Can you believe that here in Canada the sun doesn’t go down until 11pm this time of year?!

It is so awesome.

And by the way - Canadian fair's are very similar to American ones. In case you were wondering.

Fireworks have got to be my favorite thing about summer.



Nikki said...

I so love fireworks:) Does the sun not go down this late in Utah in the summer? Can you tell how uneducated I am about the American way? Ha ha!

mommaquincy said...

So they must have to do the fireworks before it's dark,eh?


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