Monday, June 7, 2010

.the damage

We got hit on the way to church yesterday. Our little scrappy car got damaged more than it’s worth to get it repaired. A lady was turning left and pulled out right into us as we drove through an intersection. Pretty sure we’re just down a car again. Oh well?

We were lucky we didn’t get hurt… and that our friends Duane and Jenna happened to be driving by after the accident and stopped and gave us a ride. We even made it to the last hour of church.

the redemption

On a more positive note - we had a really fun weekend with the family!

climbing trees

fighting with big sticks?

and crossing the big bridge

Canada really is beautiful, isn’t it?



Nichole Potter said...

So how does that work in Canada with an accident... Is that lady's insurance going to pay for a new car? Sorry to hear about the accident. But at least it wasn't the Camry right?

Jessica said...

Sorry about your car! And I must say, you guys have WAY too much fun. Who else climbs, trees, fights with sticks and speed walks across a bridge!! Ok, Sophie did all those things today, but she's 3. You guys are so much fun and inspire me to try and live so light-hearted as well!

mommaquincy said...

That looks like sad owie on your car! I'm glad you weren't hurt. I 'm glad you still had a fun weekend!


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