This morning when Air woke me up before he left for work, I think I yelled back at him, "It's New Years tonight!" and then I'm fairly certain that I proceeded to tell him about the game which I had invented in my sleep.
He must've asked me what the game was, because I was telling him it's a type of "group rock paper scissors", where everyone uses both hands and you go around the circle and you can choose to take out anyone else's hand that you'd like; and you'd get certain hidden prizes for each hand that you choose. It was a really good idea at the time. In fact, I think I was dreaming about this game for the entire night. I was trying to figure out who I could get to play it with me...
Funny how that was the most important thing in the world to me this morning...
It's truly amazing how dreams let us escape reality for a little while. But what's even more amazing to me is the fact that I don't even really need an escape from my reality. Sometimes I think my reality is a dream.
Life isn't perfect, but it is so much fun! Being with Air this year has been the best time of my life.
Thank you hunny.
Happy New Year everyone!
2010... the year of the Gusa's? I hope so!