Sunday, January 31, 2010

.Happy Birthday to this guy!

20090427 Tulip Festival (41) edit*photo taken in Thanksgiving Point's secret garden '09

Wishing the hub the best Birthday

I'm married to a 26 year old now...
that would be kinda weird if I weren't just a year younger.

A note to Air:
I'm sorry you can't have a cake this year hun,
I promise I'd make you one if you weren't on a diet.
As soon as you're off, ok?

At least you can be sure that you've eaten a lot of really amazing things in your life.

...and this isn't even one of them:

20090411 Easter weekend (62) edit

Thanks for being the best friend I've ever had...
the friendliest best had ever...
best ever hadder friend

You're real great. Really.

I'm a lucky gill.
And I love you!

Love me

20090411 Easter weekend (71) edit

Friday, January 29, 2010


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Yesterday I went to the University with Air again.

We loved walking around campus together.

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It's such a beautiful place to be
I love all of the big old red brick buildings covered in vines.
But if you think they’re pretty outside, you should see them inside too!

I'm also absolutely obsessed with cute little old homes like these:

Lucky for me, they’re everywhere here in Edmonton!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

.the great indoors

*isn't Canada beautiful?

Do you ever feel like your body is getting all twisted up and its getting harder and harder to move?

Neither do I.

That would be really weird though, wouldn't it?

...Unless you're playing this:

This weekend I wanted to do something fun. Like... ice skating! or sledding!

It was really cold outside.

We opted for indoor activities instead.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Tessa and I have an unhealthy addiction to Phase 10...

I love that game!


Another currently enjoyed winter activity is watching my long-favored show: The Bachelor

Which girl will Jake choose..... ?

My vote's on Tenley


Monday, January 18, 2010


One Friday night we were about to go hang out with some of our friends, when they called us and said they wanted to go play volleyball.

Our first reaction makes me laugh now. It went something like this:

Air: Aw man... I just wanted to watch a movie or something.
Me: Should we just call and cancel?
Air: Yeah lets do that. I don't really feel like playing tonight.

.....Eventually we decided that we'd just go and play anyway.

We ended up having lots of fun... I'm so glad that we got off our butts and went! It's great to get back into a sport during this long winter. Plus, we both love love love volleyball.

So we've been playing most Friday nights since October. Inviting anyone who wants to come play, and who can hit a ball fairly straight. It's such a blast

And now, I give you some sweet action shots!:

And you know what? Playing volleyball makes me happy!

Monday, January 11, 2010

.Snowman Builders

*can you tell we're having fun with Photoshop?
We live next door to an elementary school.

This sight really makes me smile when I drive by after recess.

Just dozens of little snowmen and snow balls all over the field.

I like kids. Kids are cute.

{funny how the word 'recess' alone brings back so many memories...}



We finally got a new camera on Saturday. It's a beaut!

You should probably prepare yourself for more & better photos on this blog.

Or maybe I should just go for quality and not quantity?

Either way, we are in love with the camera.


Thursday, January 7, 2010


You know you have a good friend when they tell you that you look like a model. Even if it is a maternity model.
My friend Lauren Larsen (love that alliteration), for example, sent me this message a little while ago:
{from my Facebook messages}
"Amber... check out this link!
Is there something you're not telling me? Just kidding! I was looking at this website and trying to determine if they were really pregnant or wearing a belly thing... and I ...saw this picture. I know it doesn't totally look like you, but at a glance I thought you had become a maternity model. I think you'll look very good pregnant. ;)"
*My friend Lauren (who could be a model)

Air looked at this model and was surprised at the similarities. I guess she's making a face that I make or something? I only wish I looked like that!
Funny thing is, I happened to have a very similar photo of myself from my friend Nichole's wedding last summer:

They say we all have a double somewhere in the world... and well.... this probably isn't mine... but I think we're getting warmer? Maybe?

Thanks for making me feel good Lauren! You're too sweet!

On another note. Lately people have been telling Air that he looks like James Hetfield, the lead singer from Metallica (I didn't know who he was either, so I looked him up)

I think its a pretty good one! What say you?

(To view our other supposed look-a-likes, see here.)


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

.On being motivated by guilt.

Yesterday was all planned out. First thing in the morning was the first day back to seminary after the holiday break. After that, we were signed up to clean at the temple at 9:15am. I was looking forward to it.

It started out all wrong when I woke up and turned the alarm off instead of pushing snooze. It would have been a really horrible blunder if it hadn't been for my internal alarm waking me up an hour later at 6:25 (seminary starts at 6:30). I gasped!
"Hunny! Wake up! You've gotta get ready and go to seminary without me!"

{This, because Air has the ability to get ready in zero time... while I was a mess with no makeup and messy hair. Plus I'd been sick and still wasn't feeling great.}
Anyway, he made it there alone only 10 minutes late. Phew! ...aaaaaand I went back to sleep. Feeling incredibly guilty.

I awoke to Air calling me on his way home from seminary with stories from the class that I'd missed. I looked over at the clock and gasped! again...
"Hunny! You stayed late! It's 9! We were supposed to be at the temple by 9:15! We can't make it!"

I was just full of guilt again. This is probably one of the most guilty moments I've ever had. In my life.
I felt bad for the rest of the day yesterday. While I was doing loads of laundry for the autistic kids. While we were grocery shopping. While I was talking on the phone to my sister about the Christmas present she sent us. The whole day. It was horrible. I needed to make up for it.

Today I jumped out of bed the minute I heard the alarm and was ready about 15 minutes earlier than I've ever been. I made it to seminary to see those awesome kids again. They were on their best behavior today, it was astonishing!
Maybe they missed me? (I wish) Maybe they were in need of a spiritual refill since they'd been away from seminary for 2 whole weeks? Maybe both.

Both applied to me for sure.

I've never been so happy to be there at 6:30am as I was today. Maybe there's a reason I missed class yesterday? I don't really know. Sure seems like it tho.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

.Welcome 2010, we've been expecting you

20091231 new years dance (1) edit*still using our old camera. doesn't really work in the dark sorry

We brought in the new year chaperoning at a youth dance.
There were over 360 kids there. They had a hot dog stand, slurpee machines, popcorn stand, candy stand, a photo booth, a ball drop at midnight and probably thousands of balloons falling from the ceiling. It was choice. Real choice.

The best part: I got to run the photo booth all night!

The worst part: I was stuck running the photo booth the entire night.

(Yes, I know those are the same thing)

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As you can see, our seminary kids were all there! And some friends from our ward were chaperoning too!

Right at midnight, Air and I snuck in a photo session alone since the line of kids disappeared while they ran over to pop balloons.
20091231 photobooth 6 edit
We also snuck in a New Years kiss. We are so sneaky!




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