Wednesday, July 20, 2011

.called to serve

I love the comparison of a beehive to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. With the busy bees all buzzing around. Doing their part to keep the hive running and producing something good. The little bees work so hard to pollinate and gather for the good of the hive.
They seem to know how important their little jobs are.

But ya know what? if the bees were unwilling to do that, there would be no hive.

And if there were no hive, there would never be the goodness of honey.


I believe I forgot
to tell you what my new calling is?

A while ago, the Bishop of our ward called Air and I into his office for a meeting. He asked me to serve at the Young Women's camp this year. I told him I'd love to, as long as I could get work off. (turns out I couldn't)

He looked at me and said, "You've got a new calling coming soon. I've had a lot of people in the ward ask if they could have you; but do you have any requests?"

I don't know if you've ever had a bishop ask you this, but I was surprised at the question. I said, "Young Womens would be fun... as long as I don't have to teach every day?" (this, because that's what I'm used to doing in my calling --teaching seminary every morning)

A few weeks later our Bishop asked Air and I back into his office and he asked me to be the Beehive Advisor! (Of course, that's not a real beehive. In our church, "beehive" is referring to the little girls aged 12-13. Part of our Young Women's organization)

I said, "For sure!" (Shouldn't be surprising, surely I would've said yes to anything)

And then that busy Bishop of ours looked at Air and said, "I've got a new calling coming soon for you too, Brother Gusa..."

more on that later!

We're leaving to Utah tomorrow! Can't wait to see you folks!


Nikki said...

Congrats on the new calling. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I thought the beehives were 12 & 13, though. Have a great time in Utah:)

mommaquincy said...

Great calling for you! They are so sweet and excited when they are beehives!! Drive safely!


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