Thursday, April 14, 2011

.Cul-de-sac in plural is culs-de-sac.

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Seriously mid-April? Are we really gonna do this again? Just when all of the snow was melting away you're giving us a fresh new coat? Alright... If you're sure that's what's best.
Personally, I don't feel too good about it. It feels like we accidentally pushed the reset button on winter.


Guess what blog--I've locked myself out of the house twice in the last two days. Let me tell you.

(1)Yesterday morning I ran out the door to seminary and realized I left the car keys in the house. I had to rapid-fire at the door bell to wake Air up. Poor Air-bear.

(2)Today I walked outside with Air as he left for work to take pictures of the snow. After watching him drive away I went back to the house and found the door closed and locked behind us. I had nothing but my camera.

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Here's the bright side: (so don't get too depressed by all of this negativity, k?)

I went to the front porch and less than one minute later my neighbor (Marlene) came walking out her door on her way to work (I assume). In all the time I've lived here in this cul-de-sac, we have never had a chance to meet! We just smile and wave as we pass by each other going in and out. She looked at me and said, "SNOW??", I laughed and casually said, "Can you believe it? .......Oh, and I'm locked out of my house right now, heh" She laughed and then paused, "Wait, really?" "Yeah... do you think I could use your phone?"

She let me into her home and took me to the kitchen phone. (By the way, I love seeing the inside of people's houses for the first time!) I called Air and told him to come back (obviously). Then I apologized to Marlene in case I had made her late to wherever she was going and thanked her. She said it was nice meeting me finally.

Anyway, I'm sorry if this is all very boring to you... but I feel pretty good about knowing my neighbor now.

And I just know that it was a small tender mercy from a Heavenly Father who loves me and watches over me that she happened to walk by as I was locked out of my home in the snow for only a minute. I didn't even have to go knocking on stranger's doors for help. Yikes! If this weather is what it takes for Heavenly Father to remind me that he loves me… then I’ll take it. Every drop.

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mommaquincy said...

Isn't it fun to see how Heavenly Father nudges us? We've had too much snow this spring, too, but not as much as you!

cc said...

I always love your pictures...your so talented! And this weather is crummy....ashur is supposed to start t-ball on tuesday!! ha much for spring...miss you guys!


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