Monday, November 16, 2009

.he loves me

Let me tell you how I know Air loves me.

He found our camera yesterday (that he bought before we were married) in the bottomless abyss of my purse. He turned it on, only to find that the little screen was completely destroyed. Something in my purse must have put too much pressure on it...

RIP camera.
You were a good camera.

This was obviously a devastating thing for us to discover. You can probably tell if you read this blog that we really enjoy taking pictures. And we take them. Often.

But he didn't even get angry at me for carelessly keeping it in my purse unprotected. He just got online and started looking for a new one. Well, we can't really afford any camera that would be worth buying right now. So, for now, we'll just use our backup camera (that I got before we were married). It's not as good... but it works?

And here are some photos of what we've been up to these last few weeks (other than fighting off the flu and cold):

we tore out our shower--which has been falling apart since we installed it last year.

It was a disgusting mess under there.

It only took a week! we've been showering at other people's houses lately!
And here is the new and improved version (without the doors):

It's beautiful! Thanks Air and Kevin!



A. Bloggist said...

So... how do you know?

hahahahaha jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk! I DO love you more than anything! You're my wonder! I'm glad you're such low maintenance, I didn't realize that not getting mad showed you love! I think I'll love you all the time then!

Nikki said...

The shower is done, HORRAY! That's awesome about Aaron dealing with the camera so well, that takes a lot of self control, I think, when it comes to things that are expensive. You picked well, Amber!

mommaquincy said...

Of course he loves you, what's not to love? Nice work on the shower!


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