Wednesday, July 29, 2009

.Girly Camp

As you may know, I was the Young Women's camp director for the stake camp this summer. Camp was last week and it was absolutely incredible! Everything went more perfectly and smoothly than I could have imagined it would.
I was extremely pleased

{There are a lot of pictures here so be prepared}

Here are the girls spelling "Clareview" with their bodies

before we left with a few other wards

Air came as a priesthood representative. He had tons of fun having gospel discussions with everyone; and his seminary students were all there! Boy do those kids love him!
this is our makeshift awning

But most especially he spent his time playing with his cousin Kevin, who is also our Bishop. They are like twins.
they rode bikes, talked, and played a lot of bocce ball

we did crafts (hemp jewelry)
Kevin made a 'tacky necklace' out of a thumb tack...
boy is my husband manly or what!

played games

we did skits
this is part of our introduction skit/slap dance:

This is a skit that I wrote about the "Daugter of a King" ...we had so much fun acting it out!
Almost as much fun as I had making it up

we went rappelling


top of the hike~ Siffleur Falls

zip line
yes, I look hilarious here

canoeingWow, that was the most beautiful lake! I {love} loons.

We were all worried about bears disturbing our campground all week, and heard lots of stories; but we didn't personally see a single one! ...Until we were on our way home.
I'm more than happy to only see them that way!

When we got home I was in the shower before you could say "Bob's your uncle"
...and Bob is my uncle! He's also my Grandpa... but that's a whole other story ;)


mommaquincy said...

that looks like the coolest camp ever! You must have been the best stake camp director to ever hit the outdoors!

Robert, Melanie and fam said...

That looks like so much fun!!! Crazy thing about the bear! OMG!!! That would be awesome and scary!!

The Duenas Family said...

i haven't been on the computer to check blogs in a long time and it was a treat to see ALL your posts...there were lots of pics (which is what i love).

camp, yikes. i dodged that bullet. most of our young women leaders wanted to go this year so i said, "if you need me there i'll go...but if not then that's more than ok." not a big camper. looks like you guys had fun. you know what our girls did...shot guns (real ones) and bows & arrows. yep, that's wyoming.

see you at choley's wedding!!! i'm so excited to be with fam and friends again!!! fall in both categories :)



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