Tuesday, August 16, 2011

.Beehive State .part 4

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While Air and I definitely go down to Utah to see our family and friends who we NEVER get to see, it’s always a little disappointing to be there for two weeks and realize that we’re the only ones around on vacation. We just try to figure out why all of these lame-o’s just want to work all day when there’s so much fun to be had around town with us! Who needs work??

Anyway, Sad-but-true, the people we go down there to spend time with don’t always have a lot of free time to come play and vacay with us. Especially during normal “working hours”… pshhh ;)

BUT! Our trip this year worked out perfectly for a few reasons:

1. During our first week, Air’s family was there, ready and willing to par-tay with us!

2. During our second week, my parents were on vacation too! You better believe we par-tay’d some more!

3. Everyone else did make time for us too, mostly in the evenings. Understandably, of course.

We spent the next day wandering around Temple Square.

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Billions of years ago, before dinosaurs and cavemen roamed the earth, Tracey and Russell were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple, and they stood in this very spot then too. Incredible! I’m glad their marriage has lasted so long.

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So, I lived in Utah my whole life and don't remember ever having a picture taken in front of the Christus until now. Must be more of a touristy thing to do at the visitor’s center? But, oh boy do I love that statue and the mural of the universe all around it… It’s a powerful experience to be in this room.

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We looked at some more stuff, like this awesome new model they made of the inside of the temple:

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And then we ate at The Garden restaurant at the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial.

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Our meals of choice: my smothered burrito and Air’s philly cheese steak sandwich. Delish!

Our last stop of the day was the top of the church office building, where we took some fun aerial shots of the city.

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Air’s family left back to Canada after this… we missed them, but were so glad that we got to stay in their Park City condo for the next two nights! It was such a nice little vacation within a vacation. Park City is so fun!

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…more to come

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

Okay, you two officially hit more Utah sites than I have this year!


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