Wednesday, August 31, 2011

.as August comes to a close

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This month it seemed like everyone was saying that August and summer were over, when the month was truly only half way over. I guess nobody ever wants August to end. And I feel the same way. The nights are getting chilly and I’m starting to regret not spending every second of summer outdoors. I feel weird this year since I’m not preparing myself for another year of seminary. It’s a good feeling, although I did love seminary.

I'll give you a quick overview of the past few weeks.

1. Air was back to work almost as soon as we pulled into our driveway from vacation, and he hasn't really had a break since then. He's constantly busy these days... and a little stressed. Hopefully things settle down a little at work for him soon.

2. I've been going to some parties. A Norwex party (fun stuff, even if it is cleaning supplies (see below)), and a girl's night/birthday party for my friend Jen! (I love a good girl’s night!)
*what I bought. photo via the web.

. We've both been diving into our callings a bit more. Air is the Ward Mission Leader now and I'm in Young Women.

4. We helped Tam and Jadey move into their new home in Beaumont! We went out to celebrate with them down on Whyte Ave for an evening. And had an incredibly fun time.
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. And now some bad news…
I got in a car accident on my way home from work on Saturday. I was turning left, and therefore was at fault and received a ticket for it (as if I needed to pay more). We may have to say goodbye to our baby, Cammy Camry. You have no idea how terrible I have felt about this since then. I pretty much hate myself for making such a huge mistake. It really shouldn't have happened.
I don’t wanna talk about it any more. see pics
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. And to finish off my post with something positive!
Most recently, Tara got engaged to Tom on Sunday! ...but we all knew that was coming *wink* (who am I kidding? I never wink in real life. haha)
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*photo from our family picnic last week.

Welcome September!


Nikki said...

I really wish I could have made it out to the Norwex party and got some stuff. It sounds really good.

cc said...

I love that you always post so many sorry about the car! And that's awesome that Tara got engaged too!!
miss you guys:)

mommaquincy said...

I think Air's new haircut looks great. Sorry about the car, but at least you're not bedridden after! Those head-on crashes can be awful stuff.


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