I don't know if you knew this; but I am in love with art and design. I always have been.
It’s one of the few things I feel very passionately about. To me, everything in life is art, and everything in the world has some element of beauty. I view the world this way and I think it has always made life happy. It really works for me. I am obsessive over color combinations, patterns, textures and contrast. Mostly color combinations.
This is why my job is so perfect for me. Its like a party for me at work talking to people about color combinations and textures in mats and frames... people don't usually care as much as me, but since its my job and its their picture being framed they suddenly are interested. And I love it.
Air is like this too, he and I both notice the small beauty in things around us and usually we try to photograph things that are beautiful to us. If you’re ever around Air and I, you probably hear us constantly pointing things out to each other. Like, "Look at that cloud, hun! It's awesome!"
At Parade of Homes it was just a whole lot of this going on between us. "Hun! Look at that pillow!” *snaps picture*... Its great.
And I love you guys too so I want to share some of the pictures we took of decor that made me swoon.

my favorite thing in this room is definitely the rug

this room looks like it has a mirror wall… but if you look closely, its actually another room. so crazy.

beautiful bright living room. the bookshelf behind those chairs was incredible! see below

this baby’s room had every page from a story book framed on the wall. such a cool idea! oh and antique toys!

some nice wall art, and below is my FAVORITE wallpaper from the entire parade. I die.

convex mirrors are fun. and below there is a fun idea with scrabble pieces on a magnet board

this house was full of reds and greens. it just screamed bold elegance and reminded me of decor in the carribean

have you ever seen such a great twall print on a chair in your life?? I love it in yellow!

this was Air’s favorite house in the entire parade. there was so much space. he’s still talking about it!

And now for something completely different!
The “Up” house! This house was (obviously) made to look exactly like the house in the movie. Inside and out.

there’s the paradise falls collection jar on the old television set and below you see they had those awesome retro appliances like they have on Rachael Ray

this bookshelf was a secret passage to a room full of balloons! below you see all of Carl’s old ties hung up and a beautiful antique lamp

in the basement they had a movie theater playing Up and a toy story bedroom!!

So that was fun huh!! OK, but now I want to tell you that not all of the houses in the parade were decorated so beautifully. In fact, some were so awful that we couldn’t resist taking pictures of their hideousness:

So glad we got to go around to all of the homes with my parents and with Ty and Missy! They were great companions and seemed to enjoy it as much as us! It was such a wonderful week! I love my family!