Monday, June 3, 2013

.10 years ago today

20030603AmberGrad edit

I graduated from High School... my my my…

Funny thing, I have a terrible memory because I can’t seem to remember much about my high school years.

I remember being very self-conscious walking around in the halls thinking the popular kids were surely laughing at me. I worried about dumb things. Were my shoes out of style or my hips too wide? Was I tan enough? Was my hair the right color? Please don’t let anyone look at me today?

I don’t think about those things anymore… and I am so glad to be free of that mindset. Holy WOW am I glad to be free of that!

Why did I care so much? I had all the friends I ever needed and my family loved me no matter what. So what if someone laughs at me for wearing the wrong brand of jeans? Why should they care what I was wearing anyway?

Life goes on… and in my case it gets better and better.

Now I wear whatever I like and I don’t worry about anyone else. I make friends with anyone and don’t hold back my personality in case they don’t like me.

I really do wish that I could go back and have a conversation with 18 year old me. What was she like? Did she know who she was and what her potential was? What were her plans for the future? Did she have any idea how many incredible experiences lied ahead of her? Did she know that someone so amazing as Air could love her someday?

I don’t think she did… fortunately she knows now.

I mean, I know now.


Nicole said...

Funny, I was having that exact same thought yesterday. It is/was exactly 10 years for me too.Strange how age brings clarity.

mommaquincy said...

You were actually an awesome teenager! You get better with age though!


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