Sunday, May 13, 2012

.Mothers in My Family


It's so fun to see pictures of all my big sisters carrying me around when I was little…

I had more Moms growing up than anyone I know. For that reason alone, I was spoiled.

My family is full of glorious, loving, beautiful mothers.
You can tell they're doing it right by looking at their children.
And by walking into their homes.

I'm so lucky to be a witness to their work as mothers.
As the youngest of them all, I've been blessed by their motherlyness as well.
They've all taken care of me.

At times in my life I find myself thinking things like, 'Would Gwen do this?'
or 'Wouldn't Mom be cooking dinner by now?'
or 'If I were Megan, this would be clean and organized!'
or 'I bet Linda would have something great planned today.'

And then I know that their examples are influencing me for better.
So thank you mothers for being my mothers! I love you all so much!

Mother Dear
Momma Gusa
and even Elisa

**Happy Mothers Day!**

I'm happy to be beginning my 3rd trimester today! We're almost there!

We made it to Ut in two pieces and have already been having so so much fun!


mommaquincy said...

What a great mother's day gift for your momma to have you here! Jenny came, too!

Erika Ellis said...

Yep, you have some great moms in your family! Glad you made it here...see you soon!

Nikki said...

Glad you're having fun! We miss you.


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