Friday, March 16, 2012

.baby what?

20120313 ultrasound (1)
*back of the head on the right and spine going out to the left

Our ultrasound
on Tuesday was great, we got to see the
baby's head, spine, heart, arms, legs and FEET kicking around!
But you know what, we could only see the back of it's little head.
And you know what, we couldn't see anything gender related.

I was bummed.

We scheduled another ultrasound for the end of the month.
Please baby, let us see something this time!??
Air was really sneaky with my iphone in the ultrasound room.
What? There’s a big sign that says no cell phones? hehe

20120313 ultrasound

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Alana said...

Eat some sugar before you go. That's what the tech told us when they couldn't find Ashlyn's sex the first time. It is kinda a let down to go all prepared to find out and then don't get to know.

mommaquincy said...

He's stubborn! Or shy?


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