Monday, October 17, 2011

.a functioning cog

20111010 food drive flyers (2)

Air was assigned to head up our ward’s portion of the Edmonton-wide food bank drive for the Church.

We’ve been announcing and planning and routing our area for months, and last week it finally all came together.

Air and I delivered our flyers on Monday night and had so much fun.

On Tuesday I had even more fun when I went out with all of the mutual kids to deliver more flyers for families who couldn’t do theirs.

And then on Saturday we picked up the donations off people’s porches.

It was amazing.

There were so many donations!

I keep thinking of these lines from a song I love by one of my favorite bands, Fleet Foxes:

I was raised up believing I was somehow unique
like a snowflake distinct among snowflakes
unique in each way you can see
and now after some thinking I'd say I'd rather be
a functioning cog in some great machinery serving something beyond me

Isn’t that an incredible line? I’m in love with it, because I agree completely with it.

It is so great to be a part of something bigger than myself, doing small and simple acts, that really don’t seem so small and simple once added upon by all of the other member’s small acts being done.

Everyone in our ward who went out and delivered these flyers and talked to people about the church and the service project was blessed so much. And I know they all felt just as good about it as Air and I did.

It’s an incredible feeling you get from doing something good.

And being a part of something so good.

20111010 food drive flyers (1)20111010 food drive flyers (3)

20111010 food drive flyers (4)

here, have a listen:

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

That is a great thought and it looks like a very successful project! Nice job Aaron!


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