Kermit and Miss Piggy!
UPDATE! The Costume Breakdown:
I got my miss piggy wig at Value Village for $10. This is the most expensive part of our entire costumes. I made my nose, ears, and tail out of pink craft foam. Just a little hot glue did the trick! The dress came from my Mother-in-law's bottomless closet, as did the fur wrap. We got the feather boa from our friends at our wedding (Thanks Harkers and Haitsmas!).
I found the frog hat at a second hand store and made a few tweaks to it to look like Kermit. It came with the sweet gloves. I made Air's green collar by cutting up a sheet of felt and reinforced it with hot glue. He already had the green jacket and the pants are his Dad's.
I should mention that Air does a mean impression of Kermit. So good.
Oh Kermie.........
Happy Halloween friends!