What is it about kids that I love so much? Maybe it's the way you can look at any kid and make any old funny face in the world and they'll just smile and like you more for it. Try doing that to some adults... They'll think you're a real creeper! Making friends with kids is so simple... Making good friends with adults is way too hard! Maybe that's why most of my best friendships now started when I was a kid.

.....my 22 neecees and neepoos are the cutest!! I'm sure that the one on the way will be awesome too.
So are Air's little sisters!! (btw, it is SO awesome to finally have younger siblings! I love it!!)
Tiana is such a cutie-pie!
In other news:
In other news:
1. last Sunday I was assigned as the Young Women's Camp director. I am way excited to go to camp, but not very excited to be in charge of it..... I remember thinking my camp directors were way too stressed out and BOSSY!! We just wanted it to be free time, all the time! haha --hopefully I can make it a little better for these girls and still make camp a good spiritually uplifting experience. Rededicating ourselves to the gospel and strengthening our testimonies is way more important than painting a piece of wood shaped like a _____(fill in the blank).
2. we are extremely excited to have Air's parents moving up here to Edmonton this summer!! It will be so nice to have family living nearby! GAH I CAN'T WAIT!!
3. we are pretty much going to cancel our trip to Utah in June... It would be too hard to get work off in June and then again for our trip in August. I guess that means we won't be able see my sister Gwen's future newborn until August, or go to the cabin this year. Sad.
I'm camp director, too! my job is probably easier since the stake is in charge and I just have to get my girls to conform to their plans. Fun.
I was camp director back before I went on my mission. I just tried to have a spiritual message each night and we had lots of fun. I didn't think the camp stuff was as important as the testimony building.
We will miss you at the cabin, but at least we will get to see you in August. Is there a date set yet?
Yes, we are planning to be there for two weeks in August - from about the 9th to the 22nd. We should totally do another sharing party! :)
Jenny, ours is a stake camp too! But I still have to plan all the meals for 3 of the days. Are you allowed to go to girls camp if you are pregnant??
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