Monday, March 2, 2009

.happy birthday myself

My Birthday was on Thursday last week and it was really great! I know some of you (Mom) are wondering what we did and what I got! So here's the play-by-play:

First thing in the morning I baked myself peach cobbler/cake while Air was at school - it was DELICIOSO!! It's probably the third time in the last month that I've made one, but it's one of my favorite things to make. I really recommend peach cobbler with wheat flour... Mmmm.....

We couldn't wait to eat it... so apparently we didn't!

As soon as Air got home we went out to **Mikado** for a sushi lunch! His fav and my fav..... so double FAV! Everybody wins! :)

I don't know why I make these faces?? There's no control there... haha

After lunch, we went to West Edmonton Mall (the World's largest mall) and had lots of fun! As-per-usual we got our other fav while we were there, BUBBLE TEA!!!If you don't know what bubble tea is, its a Taiwanese milkshake with tapioca at the bottom. YUMM

While we were shopping, Air was buying a phone at a kiosk while I went around to some stores. I had no idea when it happened but I suddenly realized that the bag I was carrying around (pictured above) was no longer in my hand!! WHAT THE!!??
Air didn't know why I was so freaked out about losing that bag because I didn't want to mention to him that it wasn't just the shirt I bought, but the CAMERA was in the bag!!
I started retracing my steps and when I walked into the bathroom I about died when I looked at the counter..... and didn't see it where I remembered putting it!! Then I went to the next store and they had it behind the counter!!! YAY! :) They found it in the dressing room... sometimes I am so retarded!

Another super cheesy pose, and I'm wearing my new hoodie (Mom, this is a gift I got with the bday money from you - THANKS! It's perfect!)


Nikki said...

Wow, good thing you were able to find the bag, that would stink if you couldn't. And I love the jacket, it's super cute!

The Gibb Family said...

Super cute hoodie! Love it!
Sounds like you had a fantastic birthday - even though you ate and drank some gross stuff! haha!

mommaquincy said...

I glsd that you have such a great husband who will take you to the mall for your birthday! You look great! 24 is a good year on you!

Lara said...

LOVE the hoodie, LOVE the blog, LOVE YOU!

The Duenas Family said...

ok, so i'm a zit!...happy LATE birthday. how's the married life treatin' ya? we're goin to utah in gonna be there? hint hint.
love ya, nikay
ps...i don't want you to be a zit next month, so fyi my birfday is the 16th! ;)


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