Wednesday, January 22, 2014

.gusa gram

20140101 tent (8)

Things have been a bit upside down here lately with so many changes happening all at once. Have I mentioned that January is not my favorite month? It’s like the Monday of months and I’m just not a big fan. Luckily we have Air’s birthday coming next week and he’s taking a few days off work… at last! I will hopefully blog more about all of this another time.

So, for now, here’s the merchandise:

↓↓↓Ames in his comfy new jammy pants made by his Aunty Gwen//Cubs: A whole new world!↓↓↓
20140106 pants from gwen (7) 20140105 cub scouts (4)

↓↓↓I took this pic of my cub leader so I could remember where to put all the patches on my uniform//I scraped for hours and hours one day and this was as far as I got on our driveway. Air came and helped me scrape the rest a few nights later↓↓↓
20140107 cubs 20140110 snow fun (1)

↓↓↓This is what Ames did while I scraped the driveway all afternoon. He always finds ways to entertain himself while I work outside↓↓↓

↓↓↓in the waiting room during one of Air’s MANY Dr appts//getting a nice base tan↓↓↓
20140113 stuff (14) 20140115 tanning (16)

↓↓↓I got the car majorly stuck in DEEP slush when I was trying to leave our driveway one day//Air and his friend/co-worker/bishopric member Tim finally came and pushed it out when they got off work later. I have since seen many other people on our street doing the same thing! This snow has been melting too fast.↓↓↓
20140115 stuck in slush (6) 20140115 stuck in slush (9)

↓↓↓Aaron posted this photo. I look like a ghost//The weather has been so beautiful lately so we’ve gone for some long walks down this path behind our house↓↓↓
20140116 ghost amb (2) 20140116 walk (18)

↓↓↓standing on the ice//the gorgeous view on our walks↓↓↓
20140116 walk (19) 20140116 walk (20)

↓↓↓the best thing that came out of the package according to Ames//Ames would live at the park if we’d let him. Specifically in this big truck thingy↓↓↓
20140117 park (24) 20140117 park (25)

↓↓↓Another of Ames’ favorite park activities↓↓↓

↓↓↓We finally found a way to get these two to play nicely with each other. Rhys pushes Ames, but when it’s Ames’ turn to push he pretty much just holds on and gets pulled everywhere… and loves it↓↓↓


Linda said...

Fun, Amber! Seth and I do cub scouts too. This is my favorite resource website

mommaquincy said...

January is almost over!!


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