Thursday, November 8, 2012

.third month

20121107 Ames 3 months (2) edit

Ames is now a little three month old! I use the word "little" very loosely since he’s actually pretty big for a three month old. 16 lbs now. This boy has grown so fast he's been in the 3-6 month clothes for a few weeks already! He's already growing out of some of them too!
Gosh I had so many cute little outfits and jammies for him in the 0-3 size. Unfortunately, we don’t have many clothes in this size so he spends lots of time in his adorable diapered nudeness until I get some laundry done. It's awesome. 

We love Ames at this age!! He is so aware and loves to "talk". He squeals and coo's at us and we do it back. It just goes back and forth for hours every day and we all enjoy it equally. 

His neck is getting so strong. He does crunches trying to sit up whenever he's in his boppy. 

He makes me laugh when he slams his legs down on the bed over and over again until I wake up and feed him. 

We don't know who Ames looks like? Air or me? He has so many features from each of us, but he definitely has Air’s feet. No question. 

20121107 Ames 3 months (28) edit

Know what? I like it best when Ames looks at me with a smile in his eyes and so much love in his heart. I know he is happy and loves me. And that's the most important thing in the world to me now.

This boy is incredible...

20121107 Ames is three


Erika Ellis said...

That is a cool looking kid! When do we get to meet him?

Nicole said...

Wow! That is a big boy!! Looking very cute though!!

bethany said...

I have a huge crush on him. He's VERY beautiful, Amber. Good job on being a mom. Sounds like you've got it all down.

Anonymous said...

Love him, love the Mr. Rogers vest, love the retro chair, love the booty.
-your favorite peep, Niki Duenas (I didn't feel like signing in so I just put anonymous)

mommaquincy said...

You have been feeding him very well! He is huge! And very handsome! He should be carrying you around soon!


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