Monday, October 15, 2012

.mom problems

The thing about nursing is, I only really like to do it at home, or at other people's homes. This might be crazy, but I'm not a big fan of pulling my chest out in public. Hence the reason I have a pump. Oh how I love my pump. Before Ames was born I didn't think I'd ever need one. It only took one day of his life for me to see the need... and so I sent Air out to get one. Best decision we've made in the last two months. As long as I've got a bottle in the fridge or freezer, we can go and feed him anywhere!

Last Saturday night while the men were at priesthood session Air's Mom and sisters and I decided to have a girls (+Ames) night shopping! We hit up Michaels and then the LDS bookstore, aka: "Generations". It was time for Ames to eat, so (as I usually do when we're out) I whipped out the bottle I brought along for this exact moment. So proud of myself for being prepared. But you know what? Ames decided recently that he hates bottles. All kinds of bottles! He refused to eat, but insisted on crying until he could eat. Do you know how frustrating that is when there's nowhere to go and not enough time to nurse? And then there's the fact that Generations is a tiny store with crowds of Mormon women in every aisle and I brought my HUGE stroller inside like a dummy. So as I was ramming into everything and everyone in sight with our wheels, Ames had a diaper explosion. Gosh!
Anyway, I changed him in the van in the cold dark parking lot like a champ with Tessa's help and one store later we finally got him home and fed. He survived.

I've tried giving him Nuk, Aveda, and Medela now; but seriously, this boy would rather starve than eat a bottle! What a diva.

On Saturday morning Air and I went out to run all our errands. I've given up on the *dream* now so I didn't bring any bottles even though we were planning on being out for the entire day. We'd been to a few places already and by the time we got to Ikea Ames needed to eat, so we sat in the empty section of the enormous parking lot while I nursed. Very successful. But by the time we got out of Ikea, Ames needed to eat again! Two hours is not a lot of time between feedings guys.

So we were sitting in the car again while I nursed Ames again, and after 10 minutes my arm felt wet... I looked at Ames and his diaper had exploded all the way up his back! So then we're standing there in the parking lot. Air holding up a naked baby as I wipe poop off of his entire body. He was of course screaming until we finally got him wrapped up, and as I was putting his clean clothes on and calming him down, Air goes around to start the car.............................................................. nothing.

Our battery DIED. After only 10 minutes!


Once again we were totally lucky because Air's family doesn't live very far from there. They came to give us a boost. We called it a day and just went to their house after that instead of finishing our errands. That was a pretty exhausting experience.

So anyway, I miss my bottles. Now pumping just seems like a waste of time since I just end up dumping the milk down the drain. This saddens me greatly.

Please guys! Has this happened to any of you? Is there anything I can do to bring bottles back? Is there a miracle bottle out there that I haven't tried yet? I'll do *almost* anything to make it work! HELP!


mommaquincy said...

For the babies I've bottle fed, it was more the milk temperature that mattered than the type of nipple. And I try to immitate how it is when they are nursing. Have Aaron try to feed him. Kids will usually be more likely to take a bottle from someone besides mom.

Nicole said...

I've only gotten Logan to take one bottle in 6 months. For most babies, it's more of a temperature thing. I know a lot of moms in our ward like the tommee tippee(?) for their nursing babies. And I totally feel you on the 2 hours. Logan still eats every 2-3(and I HAVE to nurse him). The more you nurse covered in public, the more you get used to it. I felt super awkward with Sydney, like everyone was staring. Now I don't mind, I just try to find somewhere somewhat private, but if I can't I'm ok. Most people don't care.

Nicole said...

Oh, and you might want to try different diapers. Different ones work better on certain kids. Sydney blew out with Huggies ALL the time. Logan uses Pampers and has only blown out once or twice.

cc said...

I think that having someone else bottle-feed is the best, they rarely bottle-feed from mom, cuz they know she has the goods! I saw a breast-shaped bottle once at a specialty might work better. But, if I were you, I'd just get a really awesome nursing cover (mine is seriously huge!) so you dont feel too exposed in it, and get used to nursing in gets less awkward...and you can usually find at least somewhat remote places to do it.
I was never able to get roo to take a bottle, ever, and he nursed till he was almost two...he's such a diva! Lol

Jessica said...

I don't have a lot of experience with bottles, my kids have all loved them but I hate pumping so they didn't use them much. But I was really uncomfortable nursing in public with Sophie until I practiced in front of a mirror, when I could see what it actually looked like I realized no one could see anything and I was ok with it. I love my hooter hider and totally recommend it. I say just practice, it's way easier than pumping and remembering a bottle anyway! Ah, I love nursing... Good luck Amber! Great stories, love it.

Mary said...

I wasn't comfortable nursing in public until, like Jess, I learned to be so discreet that nobody could tell...either that or just avoid eye contact and pretend that no one could see me:)
But, I never had success giving a bottle to a young baby either. Only MIn could do it, and only when I was no where near. Don't give up though. He might decide to love the bottle when he's a little older or someday out of desperation. Hang in there!

ellisgomez said...

I love to hear your stories of being a mommy! So fun.
My oldest three kids never took a bottle. Ever. They went from nursing to sipper cups at 2. I don't recommend it. Keep nursing, but keep giving him a bottle now and again. It'll save your sanity... and make it possible for you to leave him once in awhile to go to dinner or the temple or such.
I spent time in many a public bathroom nursing. I got good at pulling those nifty toilet seat covers down into place and sitting there to nurse :) There are bathrooms everywhere... and you don't have to worry about exposing yourself. It's not the most comfy place to nurse - -but it makes Lagoon possible, shopping doable, and running errands less than a nightmare.

adrienne said...

Ah, so many adventures. I agree with what everyone said already. It might be temperature and it might work better if Aaron feeds him. Or it might just be a phase you've got to get through. But I'd recommend practising nursing and getting a nursing cover. To be honest, even with baby #5, I'm not that great at doing it totally discreetly, but most of the time, I can get the baby on quick enough that chances are no one saw anything. But I still try and find somewhere out of sight if I can, because I'm more comfortable that way. And by the way, Ikea has a nursing room and bottle warmers and free diapers, so next time you don't have to hide in the car. They are super family friendly, as are many newer malls these days.

Nichole Potter said...

Logan has always taken a bottle so I'm not an expert but I have a few tips of my own. If you think about it, the milk that Ames nurses from your breast is warm (body temperature) so maybe drinking cold milk isn't something he's a fan of or even used to.. it might almost be shocking to him (and not the comfort he's used to when he typically eats).

Also, I watch my sister's baby once a week for 9 hours and we went through the same thing. He WOULD NOT take a bottle. He cried and cried and refused to drink the nursed milk from the bottle. My sister had to drive home from her lunch break, take an extra long break so she could feed him twice and then come home early because he would not eat even though he was starving. I had my mom come over and try feeding him (thinking I sucked at it or that maybe he could smell my own milk) but still nothing. Anyway, I told my sister to "practice" everyday at least once a day to get him to take the bottle. It might be a little inconvenient until he becomes a pro but you'll thank yourself later. Bottles are awesome if your out and about and don't have time to nurse every two hours. We use Avent bottles that work great but then started buying the cheap Gerber 3 for $4 bottles at Wal-Mart or Target.

And don't worry. Nursing for me is sooo uncomfortable. I hate doing it in front of people and I don't know why. I feel like it makes everyone uncomfortable or like I am standing out like a sore thumb. With time I got used to it and became more of a natural at it.

Oh and one last thing. Don't ever nurse on the toilet. That is disgusting! Would you ever eat a sandwich sitting on the pot? Neither would I. It's the same thing but worse because it's a new little baby. Anyway, sorry to write a book. You asked so I told :) LOVE YOU!!! The adventures of being a new mommy are the best!

Manda said...

I second the comment about changing diaper brands. Dex had blowouts like crazy until I switched brands a couple times. It turned out that pampers worked best - but every kid is different.

I'm sure you're an awesome mom, and only take advice that makes things easier for you, and ignore any advice that stresses you out more than you already are. :)

Gwen said...

You're really a mom! You're doing a great job. As a mom you've always got to adjust and figure things out. It's wonderful and really hard all at the same time. I would say something but it sounds like you've already gotten a lot of really good advice.


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