Wednesday, November 3, 2010


*view from my bed
My alarm clock went off this morning at 5:15.

This is normal of course but today something different happened.

I rolled over and opened my eyes, searching for the "snooze" button.

My eyes saw a different word.

Today the alarm clock said "choose".

It did! I couldn't believe it either!

I blinked my eyes in disbelief a few times to adjust my vision; and then there it was, that faithful word "snooze" was back.

So I pushed the button and rolled back over for ten more minutes of heaven. Probably not the best choice I could have made?

When the alarm went off again I couldn't stop thinking about how odd that was and how clearly I saw the word "choose".

I have been thinking about choice all day today.

Every morning I choose to wake up and go to seminary (after snoozing a few times, of course). I choose to be a gospel teacher for teenagers. I choose it and I love it.

The teenagers choose to do the same thing. I am always so impressed with them for making that choice.

Our choices are everything, and thanks to agency we have the right to choose whatever we want.

I choose to be a member of my church and to keep high standards for myself because I know that this will bring me closer to purity and to God and happiness than any other lifestyle I could choose to have. I love that I don't have to deal with things like addiction or guilt or hate when I keep God's commandments. Those same commandments end up as more of a blessing in my life than anything. And as I get older it gets easier and easier to make good choices. Another blessing of having the gospel written on my heart.

Choices so far have taken me to a really great place. And that motivates me to keep making those choices, because I know that life will just keep getting better if I do.


Nikki said...

Awesome post:)

Lauren said...

Loved it! You're seriously amazing. :)

mommaquincy said...

I'm so glad that you have made so many good choices in your life! I'm pretty sure that you are helping some teenagers make good choices, too!

Jessica said...

Great post. Smart alarm clock you have there! Thanks for making such good choices, it strengthens all of us.


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