Tuesday, January 6, 2015

.Christmas 2014

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This Christmas was amazing, you guys. By far the best Christmas we’ve experienced in our lives thus far. Ames is at such a wonderful age for this type of thing. Excited beyond measure about even the smallest thing. And GRATEFUL. He is the most grateful child you’ve ever seen. “For mee??? Thank you so much Mommy/Grandma/Santa!!!”

He really gets it. All of it. He is such a little smarty pants… and makes us laugh all day, every day.

Alright… So another reason this Christmas was special was because we actually had every single member of Air’s family together under one roof for the whole thing! So fun. Of course we took lots of pictures. This probably won’t happen again for quite a while. If ever?↓↓↓

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Christmas morning started a little later than it did when I was little. Luckily we are all sleepers so we didn’t end up starting until 8:30ish? and there were so many of us there it took quite a while to open so many presents. I think we finally finished around 11? Wow.

There were so many amazing and thoughtful gifts given and it was so much fun to be all together for the whole day just hanging out. Christmas Day is a beautiful thing.

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Here is our family’s pile of “stuff” (so much stuff)↓↓↓

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Highlight gifts:

Ames got a sweet balance bike! Or as he calls it a “motobike”… haha↓↓↓

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Aaron got me a rocking chair… I am so excited that I can finally rock my babies↓↓↓

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I got Air this sweet watch↓↓↓


Santa gave our family this mini air hockey table, Ames is in love with it↓↓↓

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A few days later and we had a big dinner with our extended family on Air’s Mom’s side. Another amazingly fun time was had. These people are seriously the best. We (of course) took more pictures (one of these people is photoshopped in. Can you tell who? (hint: it’s pretty obvious) haha)↓↓↓

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Mother and daughters↓↓↓
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Four generations photos↓↓↓
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Cute cousin friends Taylor and Tessa↓↓↓
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I would probably seem ungrateful if I didn’t mention here the overwhelming amount of gifts we received from people who must have known about our situation this year. Many anonymous and many from people we know and love dearly. For so many nights I opened my front door to find another gift basket or envelope left on our porch. I never knew how generous people could be at this time of year… And honestly, I really wish I knew who the people are who gave us all of these gifts. But hopefully they know how grateful we are for their kindness towards us. I just don’t know how to tell them! haha

We really hope you all had a wonderful Christmas as well! Muah muah muah!

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