Saturday, February 15, 2014

.V Day VI

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We love Valentines Day around here. No matter what we do it always ends up being an extra special and happy day for us. Sorry (this is mostly for our own record), but here is a play by play of our day:

6:45 Air left to work (busy day for him)

7(freaking)o’clock: Ames woke up early and I forced him to stay in bed with me for another 20 minutes until I could no longer contain him

7:30 Feed Ames bananas and oatmeal for breakfast. Pour myself cereal

9:00 Ames stops playing for long enough to eat a snack

9:45 Put the tired boy down for a nap (way earlier than usual)

10:00 Read my scriptures, pass out for 30 minutes, shower and get ready

12:35 Woke Ames up from his nap

12:45 Air pulled up on his lunch break to bring us the car

12:50 Drop Air back off at his office and rush over to Ames’ Dr appt….

1:05 I apparently mis-scheduled Ames’ appointment since they told me it wasn’t scheduled for exactly one month from that day. On Friday March 14th (Weird that his 18 month checkup wouldn’t be until he is 19 months old)

1:10 Feeling pretty annoyed with this fact. Like maybe I’m not the one who made a mistake?

1:15 Stop at home for a quick lunch

1:45 Ames and I went shopping (yay!) and to the pet store (yay!)

3:45 We got home and I gave Ames a Valentines gift:
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4:15 A lady shows up at our house to buy something I had on kijiji. I was in the middle of changing Ames’ (really sore) bum so I put the naked boy in his crib to answer the door.

5:10 Pick Air up from work and go straight to dinner. Sushi!

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6:30-8:00 Back at home to play play play giggle giggle giggle:

8:15 Put Ames to bed and we started really cheesy and lame chick-flick that nobody’s ever heard of. I don’t even know what it was called… ?

Who even cares what movie we’re watching when we’re snuggling like this!?? It honestly could have been anything, I wouldn't have minded. I have the cutest valentine in all the land.

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Also! Thanks to my Momma for sending us these adorable valentines once again this year! She said she made approx 1 billion valentines for people this year. She is truly the queen of paper crafts. Also quilting... and just sewing in general.

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1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

Your mom really does do it all! Sounds like a crazy day!


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