Tuesday, March 19, 2013

.project five: ceilings

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Technically our ceilings were project number one. But, to be honest, I was NOT going to blog about them. I’m mostly ashamed of how bad a job I did at planning this project. Oy. I only decided to blog about our ceiling reno today because I think I need to send out a warning to the world. So this is more of a "Do not do this at home!" post.

Our ceilings were the most frustrating part of our renovation by far. When we first got the house we couldn't get over how disgusting and dirty they were. Specifically in the kitchen. Just stained with grease that was caked onto the fixtures and everything else. The house stunk too… I was sure it was coming from the ceiling (and the old cabinets—yuck).

All of the light fixtures had to be repositioned and changed… plus we took out a pantry and a wall that left a big hole in the ceiling.
I don't really like popcorn ceilings much either, so we thought we'd try to make them smooth. We decided to try a little trick we learned from Mr. Internet and some youtube videos, like these:

Looks simple enough!

But no.

Our texture didn’t just come right off smoothly, we've since learned that this trick might only work if the ceiling hasn't been painted since the last time it was textured? Apparently ours was.
We sprayed and sprayed our ceilings (with a water/vinegar mixture and a garden sprayer) in the kitchen, living room and hallway and had to scrape every inch of it down. It was a mess! (Luckily we weren’t living here at that time)

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And what we were left with was not nice and smooth. At all. We had made it more of a problem than we had in the first place. Huge mistake. (Goodness, the frustration of this time is all coming back to me as I look at these old pictures)

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Anyway, we plugged on… we tore out the wall and old pantry. We moved into the house. Air did lots of electrical work and installed gorgeous pot lights, he moved the fixture over the kitchen table over a few feet (involving a major head injury in the attic), and the ceiling fan in the living room had to be moved a few feet over also. He patched all the holes.

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This was all especially bad once we started getting quotes from ceiling contractors to get it retextured. Yikes. We decided that the best thing we could do, for the price, was to just get the popcorn put back up…

(**I have to mention here that this whole thing was my fault.. In the first place I convinced Aaron that we needed to take the old texture down and make the ceilings smooth and clean. I regret this so much… now I know all we should've done was paint over it and have a contractor patch the spots that had to be done due to our electrical work and the wall we took down. Oops.)

In July, we found an LDS guy (by some funny coincidences) who textures ceilings. Not the best price, but his website had some good testimonials etc. Also, he did some work for Air’s dad at church buildings.

He was a really cool guy and he did nice work… but since he most likely won’t ever read this, I have to tell you that I would not recommend him. He got paint and texture all over my newly painted walls and didn’t clean up after himself. He forgot to paint our bathroom ceilings (as was part of the agreement)… and even after promising to come back and do them (I kept contacting him about it) he wouldn’t show up and eventually just stopped responding!! What!??

(To this day, the bathroom ceilings still badly need to be painted. I guess we’ll get to that when we work on the bathrooms this summer..)

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And, you know, whatever crazy route we had to take to end up with these ceilings, they turned out beautiful. Popcorn and all.

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And now we know that our marriage can weather any storm as well… and thrive actually.

So there you have it!

…more to come, eventually


Summer said...

Oh Amber, I'm so sorry. Popcorn ceilings are such a pain. I removed some at this house, but then we ended up hiring someone to come and remove the rest and re-texture (I think it was $1200 to remove and re-texture - not bad for approx. 1500 sqft of ceilings). I wish I would have known you were doing this, we have some not to difficult ways to re-texture ceilings. We had to do some of our ceilings in our SLC house, and almsot ALL of the ceilings in this house. Now we just use a trowel to put it on, but before I just 'painted it on'. I got some plaster pretty runny and then used a roller to roll it on. After it dries you come back with a trowel and knock down any chunks. Turned out pretty nice. Next time. One nice thing is you weren't living there! We never learn that lesson and have to live through ALL our renovation projects. Love seeing your projects. Glad to know someone else is out there doing what we are doing everyday.

mommaquincy said...

It turned out great and the ceilings are clean, so its a win!

Nichole Potter said...

Wow it sounds like some of the problems we've had with remodeling, you start one thing and it leads to another which leads to another. I wouldn't feel bad if he read what you wrote! You should write your own review online about him. He needs to know he can't promise things and not follow through and make a mess. That would have frustrated me so bad! But I guess
that's just me. Looks great now! Love the ceiling fan :)

P Crowd said...

If you can make it through a renovation together.. marriage is a breeze! :) Been there and still have our "finished" basement left to do. The previous owners did not do a very good job with our basement, so we are basically going to be taking down walls and moving stuff around. Round 2 should be interesting.


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