Thursday, March 7, 2013

.seventh month

20130307 Ames is 7 months (37) edit

We no longer have a newborn. I think it's official now? This boy looks 13! Seriously, I can't believe how big he is. It's breaking my heart. This month Ames has learned lots of new tricks. He can stand on his knees alone for a few seconds and he can do that bbuh bbuh bbuh thing with his hand to his lips. He's rolling around a bit more and sitting up like a pro.

He has 4 whole teeth!

Ames still doesn't like mashed or pureed anything (mango, sweet potato, avacado, rice cereal, applesauce)... except banana. He'll even take big bites of a banana if I'm eating it... and he eats those little rice puffs things (although he isn't very good at picking them up with his little fingers yet haha)

20130307 Ames is 7 months (34) edit

I recently found out that I practice "attachment parenting"... meaning that I pretty much always have Ames with me and I never let him cry for very long before running to him. I don't even let him cry himself to sleep. I rock him every night and nap time until he’s asleep, and then I lay him in his crib in his own room (this is a new thing this month as well, he used to sleep in a bassinet next to my bed). I often say, "Well I had a baby so I could hold him didn't I!?"

Holding Ames all the time is exactly what I live for.

I decided this could be an early form of discipline for babies… If I show him that I’ll listen to him the first time he calls for me, maybe later on he’ll listen to me the first time I ask him to? Big maybe.

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(thank you Mom for making us this beautiful globe quilt, with hearts stitched in Alberta and Utah  ↑↑)20130307 Ames is 7 months (59) edit20130307 Ames is 7 months (78) edit220130307 Ames is 7 months (61) edit 20130307 Ames is 7 months (85) edit

Ames is an angel. He has seriously been the easiest baby ever... he's a total stud.

Thank you so much for being my baby, Ames. I owe you big time.


Summer said...

He is seriously adorable. He has such an innocent looking little face. Love that quilt your mom made. Take advantage of the opportunity to hold that boy as much as possible, it gets harder the more kids you have.

Nicole said...

What a little man!!

mommaquincy said...

I love the yawning picture! A happy baby is a pretty good indicator of a great mom!

Adam said...

He's a good-looking kid - no wonder you don't put him down. Lucky he's an angel, seeing as you "wouldn't have him any other way." I hope for his own sake that your next kid is also an angel...


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