Thursday, March 14, 2013

.insta-vine and stuff lately

20130304 home (12)
↑↑silly teeth binki from my brother Jordan’s family

You know... if I had a dollar for every time I've written something really silly on my blog, I'd have like $2 maybe $3. I'm talking about Canadian dollars though... so they're worth a little bit less right now.

Oh now we’re at $4!

Air-bear and commenter Adam (Wilson?) are making fun of me for my last post, when I was talking about how Ames is a total stud and a really easy baby… and then I said “I wouldn’t have him any other way” in the same sentence??? hahaha …So now I just have to clarify that I would have Ames ANY way. Also, I am going to blame this one on mommy brain? Can I do that? Too late.

Here’s some stuff we’ve been up to:

We love Ames’ silly faces when he’s eating. He really hates eating solids.

20130222 ames eats mango (7) edit20130222 ames eats mango (2) edit

The neighbors made the classic blunder of keeping their car parked on the tall ice for too long. We like to laugh at them. The car is completely stuck.

20130304 home (13)

Ames likes grocery shopping

20130302 shopping (7)

Some weird things we bought on that same shopping trip. So far they both work great.

20130304 buys (3)

Ames loved the missionaries who came to visit.

20130305 missionaries (4) edit220130305 missionaries (1) edit2

We love visiting with our friend Kyle. Awesome Kyle Vaughan (yes, he can play my favorite song on the guitar)

20130309 kyle's (4) edit

We’re about ready to retire the swing… just look at this big boy!

20130310 swing ames (3)

he falls asleep pretty quickly in it.

Sunday walk with the family. Ames was all bundled up in Tiana’s hoodie and tons of blankets. It’s still pretty chilly here… but I just know spring is coming! Just around the corner?

20130310 walk (3)

Ames’ perfect ear imprint on my arm after his nap.

20130311 ear imprint (2)

Some of Ames new tricks. He can stand on his knees really well and even pull himself up to his knees from sitting!

and he can do this bbuh bbuh bbuh thing all day long.

Another Flat Stanley done for my cousin Jessica’s little girl Sophie… this one I got to decorate. It was fun, he’s Canadian with a coat beard and skis. (not quite as cool as the Texan my cousin Jenny made)

20130307 flat stanley (2) edit20130312 flat stanley sophie (3) edit


mommaquincy said...

What a fun post! Flat Stanely makes a great Canadian! I loved the buh buhs, but the squeals were my favorite!

Summer said...

Yes that was my sassy husband who commented on your blog.


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