Wednesday, February 27, 2013


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I've had yet another birthday. Gosh the years just keep rolling by, don’t they.

Air met me at Costco for a lunch date… we had hot dogs and poutine (healthy meal). Air accidentally knocked over my drink and it spilled all over me. I was SOAKED. My shoes were squishing as I walked around shopping afterwards. Haha… Air felt so bad, it was easy to forgive him.

In the evening we were going to have a quiet night with some cake and a movie, until Air’s family surprised me by stopping by with fondue! Awesome!!! We love our family.

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some birthday cards

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I also got an awesome package from my parents. A beautiful quilt and a cool watermelon knife seen below ↓↓

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The best gift I got was when Ames (for the first time) started babbling “ma-ma-ma-ma-ma” nonstop since last Saturday. The best.

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Thanks for making my day and my year so wonderful Air-bear and Ames. I love you to the moon.


mommaquincy said...

You are not looking any older! Looking good!

Mary said...

Happy 28th Amber! You're in your prime:)
Amber, I love perusing your blog for multiple reasons:
1. I'm in love with Ames.
2. It's absolutely uplifting--the language, pictures, content.
3. I'm curious about the Canadian winter lifestyle.
Will you indulge me more about living through a cold cold winter? How does it compare to Utah? How long are you stuck indoors? How do you dress a baby for winter outings? What's your general attitude toward winter months?
We're bracing ourselves for upstate NY--Min is flying out next month to purchase a house--and I need to get pumped up!

Erika Ellis said...

28 looks great on you!


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