This winter has been lovely.
And I NEVER say that about winter!
Every winter since I've been in Edmonton has had
days with temperatures around -50°C (-58°F).
This winter didn't have a single one of those days!
In fact! Our shower pipes haven't been frozen for
one single morning!
Absolutely lovely!
I made a video of our winter days this year.
I hope you enjoy it!
And now...........................................................I bring you that very video...........................................................
Goodbye Winter, Happy Spring!!!
Hooray for mild winters! You really need to get someone to take movies of you and Aaron together! Maybe the baby can do it?
hahaha first of all!!! a;weiofalweufhal;kxcmv;auioefha;weifj excited fingers!!! haha 20 weeks already! thats crazy!! You look amazing! and that video is awesome! i've watched it twice in a row! haha you guys look amazing and looks like canada is awesome! Don't forget about us here in hawaii! Love you both! from TNT
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