At our ultrasound today the baby wouldn't cooperate again.
Although we did get to see his/her face!!!
So as a punishment we are calling it Pat.
Like from the silly movie which you may or may not have seen? (you should probably see it)
We may be forced to get ANOTHER ultrasound! $$$!! (I've already had four free ones this pregnancy. hehe)

We may be forced to get ANOTHER ultrasound! $$$!! (I've already had four free ones this pregnancy. hehe)

Anyway, Air and I have had a lot going on over the last couple of weeks! Air has been working like a mad man with some extra loads of responsibility at work. I got a new calling in the Young Women as the laurel advisor. Also, we're still trying to get our taxes done. Goodness, they get more complicated every year.
If that is the way baby is going to be, I'm calling 'em "Pat" too!
What a stinker! Let's hope that's not a sign of his/her attitude/personality later on!
He's just shy and modest!
Ha, ha... PAT! I loved that SNL skit! I had a cat growing up named Patches and after he was "fixed," my brothers used to bug be by calling him Pat. You know, you could always just wait and see! :) It's fun that way, too! Whatever it is, it will be cute!
What? You still can't tell what kind of baby we're getting? I'm sure that must be disappointing. I don't know if I'm going to be a Grandma or a Grandpa. Bummer.
Love, Mom
i have may 19th saved in my phone I am so there!
what the heck is up with your baby not letting you know what he/she is??
the suspense is killing me! i keep checking your blog everyday hoping to know what you're having!!!
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