Sunday, October 23, 2011

.I am Cinderella

Last week Air and I sat down after a long day.

Something caught my eye across the room and we both witnessed a mouse quickly jut out from under a door and then go right back the way he came. The door to our laundry room... ugh

I was freaked out.

But the next day I pretty much made best friends with the little guy when I was home alone during the morning and he popped out from under that door about 10 more times. I was scared at first, but then I realized that he must have felt pretty comfortable with me since he stayed out this time. I watched him go behind our furniture and under our computer desk, and then he just sorta hung out there for a while... about 8 feet away from where I was sitting. No big deal.

I started to think of some positive things about having a mouse around.

-he eats all the spiders

-he eats the bugs

-he eats the crumbs we drop in the kitchen

-maybe he’ll make me a dress for the ball?

But mostly I was just thinking of how soon I could get some mouse traps set up and an exterminator in here to mouse-proof our house.

That evening while I was at work Air was on a mission.

He sent me a text complete with a photo: mission phase one complete

20111017 mice! (1)

And then this one: mission phase two complete

20111017 mice! (2)

So there were two mice…. and you know what? I haven’t seen a single spider in this apartment for weeks!

So there’s that.


Hey look, pumpkins are out! I am so excited and getting ready for Halloween!

Costumes are in the works for sure…

20111019 pumpkins (1)20111019 pumpkins (2)


Nikki said...

Eww, eww, eww! Glad they're dead though. Tell Aaron I said "Good hunting".

mommaquincy said...

Nice work Aaron! I can't wait to see the costumes! You never disappoint!


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