Wednesday, June 22, 2011

.Father's Sunday happenings

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We had such a great weekend for Father’s Day. On Saturday Air went out to lunch with his Dad while I was at work, and later we all went for a long drive around Edmonton and to a movie. Edmonton is so beautiful, it is just so exciting to drive around and discover parts of the city that we’ve never seen before. I love it!

We also gave Air’s Dad a gift on Sunday (see video below). He is such an awesome Father to us and we’re grateful we have him.

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It has been raining here, non-stop for the past week or so. Air and I love the rain, but we discovered this week that when our window wells get so full of water it will start seeping into our apartment like a waterfall around the windows… apparently our new windows aren’t quite as sealed as we assumed they’d be!? Luckily I was home and caught most of the water before it did any damage. It did give me a heart attack tho!

My mother-in-law’s beautiful plants have been soaking up all the moisture… I think they’ve had enough now. We’re all pretty happy to see the sun back out today!

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1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

That's a lot of rain!


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