My Dad is the best dad. A true sweetheart down to his very core.
One of the most true and humble human beings ever to sojourn here on earth. A saint, even.
...and I know that's saying a lot.
...and I know that's saying a lot.
When Air first met my Dad, I think he was intimidated. Not in the normal 'uh hi, I'm dating your daughter' kinda way, my Dad isn't scary or threatening. I think he was intimidated because of how much my Dad is constantly doing for those he loves. He will always put whatever he's doing aside when asked to do something for another. And he loves to do it.
Impossible standards for most people to live up to.
My Dad is also very tough. It can be hard to get very much emotion out of him sometimes.
For example: A few weeks ago my Dad dropped a chainsaw while he was cutting down the cherry tree. The saw swung down and landed on his knee, resulting in him needing to get 31 stitches! OOW!
For example: A few weeks ago my Dad dropped a chainsaw while he was cutting down the cherry tree. The saw swung down and landed on his knee, resulting in him needing to get 31 stitches! OOW!
Here he is mid-surgery: (calmly folding his arms and smiling)

I have always been the best at making my Dad smile and laugh though.
It's been one of my most favorite achievements in life...
It's been one of my most favorite achievements in life...

You just know I'm happy when my nose is flared that much!
Know something else? I know for a fact that I wouldn't be who I am today if I had been given any other father but my own.
He taught me how to stay calm and carry on,
to work for everything I have,
to document memories with a camera,
to serve others without hesitating (I'm still not very good at this one),
to flare my Leary nose with pride,
and so much more than I can write.
I am definitely my Father's daughter. Thank goodness.
Love you Dad
Love you Dad
Those 2 family pictures are too funny! You have a great dad
Your dad really is always the same! You are cool like him, I agree!
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