Cabbage (aka: Jordan Caddy) is Air's friend from growing up. His wedding was this weekend and Air got to be a groomsman.
We also took their engagement photos and made their wedding invitations (see above) a few months ago. We had fun with that.
They were married in the Edmonton temple. (Do you recognize the flowers I helped plant?)
The groomsmen got to wear these sweet fedora’s
They looked like old fashioned gangsters, it was amazing:
These guys are hilarious…
My father-in-law officiated the ring exchange and Air was the MC:
The cake was incredible and the flower arrangements were GORGEOUS!
So, I don’t really know how to say this. I’m not the jealous type and I understand wedding traditions—but it felt a little funny for us groomsmen’s wives to not eat dinner next to our hubs, and then watching them with other girls (bridesmaids) walking down the aisle, posing for pictures and dancing. haha! Anything for a tradition I guess.
All in all, it was one of the most beautiful and perfect weddings I’ve ever been to! Jordan and Alexis are some of the best people I know, and we’re so glad they’re married now! Congrats to the Caddy’s!
I love weddings!

Amber Leary Gusa
An amber colored goose that's leery? That’s me!
I've illustrated this below:

Lucky me, right?
I am just a little jealous of Cabbage's wife's new name though.
Alexis Beamer Caddy
No. Stinking. Way.
HAHAHAHA! I love the goose :D That is freakin hilarious!!! What a beautiful wedding! Air is a funny dude. He sports that hat well. Hope you guys are still awesome (which I know you are).
I'm sure that it would have bugged me to see my hubby walking another lady up the aisle! Nice goose!
thanks for the pics, they were all super awesome...and I LOVE your blog, so cute and funny! And your pics are always great, your really talented! I totally agree with you about jordans wedding and the groomsmen, SO weird, I hated it that we didn't get to hang out with our hubbies all stinkin day, lol...but the wedding was pretty much amazing besides that. I really should switch to g-mail one day, I probably will soon....I use my U of L mail the most, its just not good for big files...anyways...thanks again for the pics...your awesome!
We're laughing at your picture of your name and Alexis'. The car didn't load in last time we looked, so Scott made me go back to your blog tonight to get it to load.
love you.
Oh that was from me. Gwen Leary Ruebush. Can you draw that for me?
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