Today I’m starting to regain my energy that was lost from so much excitement in the last few weeks… in reality, we’ve already been home from vacation for four days. I’ve been working this week you see? And as a general rule--life’s pretty hectic in the summer. In a good way!
My best Nichole and her hub Joel came up to visit us for the last week in July. They drove like 19 hours to get here! (they took the long route) Their car even broke down a couple of times in the middle of no-where! We had to pick them up in Ponoka in the middle of the night!
Our friends are soooooo..... The Best! I hope the rest of their trip made it all worthwhile.
We literally had every day they were here packed full of fun stuff to do.
You wanna know what we did?
West Edmonton Mall:
the boys were all tuckered out from shopping at Anthropologie

we got cooked by the fire breathing dragon

West Edmonton Mall:
we got cooked by the fire breathing dragon
Visiting family & finding baby mice:
Touring the city:
Chillin’ at home:
our boy scout husbands came in pretty handy when we needed to make a fire out of nothing

Tim Hortons donuts are GOOD
Peters’ Drive-in shakes in Calgary. Mmmm...

New York Fries poutine. It’s French!
perogies (this picture is freakishly bad--they’re good, I promise)
Free night at the art gallery:
Taste of Edmonton:
Oh, and we almost lost a tire in the middle of Montana… YIKES!
Whoa, I don't know how we managed to have enough energy to make it to Illinois with my family after all of that!
Thanks for coming up and having fun NiJoel! Wish you could be here always!
I bet you're all wishing you could see more pictures of the baby mice, huh?
Next up! We're making noise in Illinois!
1 comment:
Wow. What a sweet trip :D What an adventure eh? Thanks for taking so much time to show us around. You and Aaron sure are sweet for all that you have done to make our trip special! How is life as a working woman? Have you worked out the Sunday thing? P.s. You're no posed to take breaks from blogging. Didn't you know that?? I don't know how many times I checked to see if you blogged or not. I can now rest knowing that you are back home safe and back to the ol routine.
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