Sure, we don't need a day to celebrate our feelings of love because it should be an everyday thing. Anyone knows that celebrating everyday is exhausting! After 7 short years of marriage and every aspect of life crying for attention I'm happy to announce, for us anyways, the excuse to celebrate our vibrant relationship is welcome!

Amber and I (yep, this is Aaron!) had a wonderful opportunity early on in our relationship to be very far from each other. So romantic, I know! You know what they say, distance makes the heart grow fondue. Despite being the beginning of a rom-com for the ages it allowed us to build a relationship of communication and appreciation for each others characters. (Here is usually where I would address the overly-sensitive individuals of the internet that I am not saying that you can only have a relationship of communication and appreciation if there is a large distance between you both. That would be silly.) Once we finally tied knots together it was great to able to talk about it after.
Of all my great friends, Amber is my best. She sometimes feels inadequate, weak and fragile but I can't see it. I've searched her all over. So even though I love her immensley, she sometimes lies to me.
We forgive each other before we've even done anything. Even before we tied knots we decided together divorce would never be an option. Our knots will never be undone. Some might see that as bondage but for us it is liberating. We have never had an argument that was "serious". Simply because we discuss serious things, we argue about everything else.
Amber belongs to me. *Internet Crashes Due to Perceived Sexist Remark* I belong to Amber. We belong to each other. She is mine, I am hers. If that was not true I could justify being selfish, but because we have ownership of each other we are actively engaged and responsible in each others lives. If my back itches she scatches it, if she has the shakes in the morning I shout, "HERE COMES THE STEAMROLLER!!" and as slowly as possible roll over her with all my weighty bodyness. It's grill and steak... oh sorry, give and take.
Ultimately there are many things that make our lives wonderful, it's just so nice that we work together to collect them all.
This One's Dedicated to the One I Love
I don't need to say this for those that know Amber already but she is a wonderful person. For the ease with which she could join the many who are overly negative, downtrodden, angry and poisonous she soars above it. She makes it look effortless and many interpret it that way. Of course she struggles but she is strong. I admire her as much as she doubts I do! Without her I would lose one of the most important pillars in my life. I'm thankful she chooses me every day. She is my love, she is my life, and she has at her exposal all that I am.
Some of my favorite shots of Ambs:

Love you,
What a sweet tribute to your amazing wife.
What a sweet tribute to your amazing wife.
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