Hey guys remember me? Well I’m back for another phone dump. Things have been crazy over here with tons of renovations going on at once (baseboards, basement bathroom…), then Aaron’s surgery a couple weeks ago, and basically being a mother of three since then! Things are ok though thankfully… We’re happy and playful as usual.
Now let us begin…
↓↓↓I snapped this photo of my babies as I was making dinner one afternoon. I love them so much//Alice was just starting to sit up and we found her leaning forward in her swing like this. So cute.↓↓↓
↓↓↓I don’t remember where we were going on this day, but it’s my favorite thing to go on little outings as a family (doesn’t happen often!)//We love having fire pit evenings at Tam’s house with the family. Must be summer↓↓↓
↓↓↓I made a breakfast smoothie and tried to sneak some green beans in it. Air noticed immediately and refused to drink any. Fail//Ames’s photography skills crack me up↓↓↓
↓↓↓This man train is going no where//Ames likes to pretend he’s spider man at stores by finding things to climb on. We go to home hardware stores the most these days↓↓↓
↓↓↓My cute boys like to make nests around the house and cuddle up//We had a huge snowstorm at the beginning of May. It was nuts. Only a week later and that tree was white again with blossoms though.↓↓↓
↓↓↓We love going to the Stake family carnival every year. This year Aaron’s family joined me there since I was alone with the kids. It was so much fun//Ames wanted to be a blue and pink tiger, but he got orange like all the other kids↓↓↓
↓↓↓On May 15th Air went in to the Misericordia hospital for a hemorrhoidectomy—in hopes of stopping his constant blood loss and anemia. We all prayed really hard for him and his surgeons, and we were very blessed by the news that it went very well. He stayed at the hospital for just one night, but has a long recovery period ahead. 6 to 8 weeks is what they say. We’ve had a few ER runs since then and he’s had a lot of pain… but it’s getting better every day.//These are the before and after shots↓↓↓
↓↓↓Of all the places he could sit, Ames sat right on that pink heart three times. He seems to never learn these days//Doesn’t my new apron look s’cute with these duck lips? I sent this photo to Air while he was overnight at the hospital just to show him the apron I bought. haha↓↓↓
↓↓↓Air home from the hospital. He mostly just lays around, can’t sit up too well and can’t lift over 10 lbs. Poor guy//I took the kids to their cousin Jake’s first birthday party. It was so much fun. Jake is the cutest little 1 year old we know↓↓↓
↓↓↓Ames is loving his big boy bed now and sometimes sleeps with his feet on the floor, just so he can feel the new freedom he’s got without breaking the rules too much//I’ve been trying to get out of the house with the babies a little every day so Air can have some peace. We went to the mall on Saturday and Ames loved the waterfall and made friends with all the children in the food court↓↓↓
↓↓↓The weekend after Air’s surgery I came down with a terrible fever and cold. It was the worst timing ever. We were so grateful that Grandma and Grandpa took Ames to stay with them for four days! This is the longest we’ve been away from him, but seriously it was so great since Air and I were both so sick that weekend and spent one of the nights in ER anyway//I went and picked Ames up on Tuesday and he didn’t even want to come home, so I stayed and played in the pool with him for a while. I was fully dressed tho
Aaaaaand videos:
↓↓↓giggles for miles↓↓↓
↓↓↓another video of Alice's first time eating solids (or playing solids like a flute?)↓↓↓
↓↓↓Alice's first time in a swing was so cute↓↓↓
↓↓↓Ames has never been into dancing. Then one day I showed him a youtube video with spiderman, batman, captain america and a transformer dancing and now he suddenly can't stop dancing everywhere we go all day every day! It's totally the best.↓↓↓
↓↓↓just some boring swinging at the park while some funny kids talk about Alice in the background↓↓↓
↓↓↓hanging out on the day we went to pick up Ames from Grandma's house↓↓↓
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