For Air’s 30th birthday we had a big party at our house… we’ve been wanting to have a lot of people over for a while, mostly to see what kind of crowd this house can handle. We invited about 30 people but only had a turn out of 18? Now Air knows who his true friends are, so that’s nice. haha jkjkjkjk
We had SUCH A GOOD TIME. Honestly, we both feel like it couldn’t have gone better in a million years.
I made my first pulled pork and I have to brag here because it was DELICIOUS. In fact, all of the food was fantastic! Thanks to Alexis for letting me use her crock pot (mine was too small)! Thanks to Mom-Gusa for the delicious spinach/strawberry salad! Thanks to Chantelle for bringing the fruit bowl! Thanks to Air and Kyle for throwing together my caesar salads when I ran out of time!
We asked for no gifts but some people broke the rules (me included)… We watched Air open them. In this photo he’s holding part of my gift, a hand-held back massager:
And I had the genius idea of putting out some paper and pens for people to write a small note to Aaron about how they met, or something funny they remember about him or whatever they wanted. By popular demand he read them all out and we had a major laugh-fest at all the awesome and hilarious notes these guys wrote.
I scanned them all in so you can read them too. 
And then there was cake (and ice cream)
Aaron requested angel food cake again this year… I tried to make it look different from last year’s cake, and I used an awesome lemon glaze topping. Best choice I ever made. (also I hand stamped those little cake toppers… that was fun)
I’ve been in major planning mode for the past few weeks with this birthday party… I can’t tell you how happy I am that it went as well as it did. We are just so grateful for all of the wonderful people we know. You guys are all so awesome. But, you know, I truly ESPECIALLY believe that all of us are just so dang lucky to have Aaron in our lives. I mean….. LOOK AT HIM!! He’s a light to everyone he meets, you really can’t help but love him and smile whenever he’s talking.
Air-bear, you are hilarious, intelligent, kind, spiritual, outgoing, hard-working and so much more. There really couldn’t be a better man in the world.
And thanks for taking this one photo of me last night, it’s aiight:
1 comment:
Great job on a BIG party! It looks like a great time was had by all!
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