Isn't Christmas great!?? Everyone has their traditions, and so far every year since we've been married, our traditions have pretty much all involved Air's family. First, we MUST drive around to look at lights. We really love Candy Cane Lane here in Edmonton. We picked the warmest evening to go out and it was perfection... even with all the crowds.
↓↓↓Another tradition on Christmas Eve is the pajama elf followed by photos↓↓↓
Let me tell you a little bit about these glorious people…
↓↓↓Air's Mom and Pop. The most wonderful parents aside from my other parents.
They both work so hard for all of us and made some amazing meals during this holiday. These two provide lots of fun memories and laughs. We love them so much.↓↓↓
↓↓↓you know us and little Santa Ames↓↓↓
↓↓↓Air's sister Tam was alone this Christmas while Jadey worked the night shift. Um she is PREGNANT with Ames' cousin right now! She is beautiful and glowing and we can't believe she's already half way there. We can't wait to meet this little BOY! Finding out the gender was the perfect Christmas morning finale event. Thanks for the excitement Tam.↓↓↓
↓↓↓Tessa is graduating this year and is probably the happiest person alive. She is our best babysitter for Ames and is so awesome for driving all the way up to our house for that // Josh is turning in his mission papers soon. We are really excited for him to be going wherever the Lord wants him to go. This will be so great for him.↓↓↓
↓↓↓Tiana is probably Ames' favorite (sorry everyone), they really love each other a lot. Ames calls her “Tani”. This 11 year old girl just saved up and bought herself an ipad mini and is in love with that thing… oh how the times are changing↓↓↓
Okay, so on Christmas morning I took lots of videos. Here is one of those:
I hope you all had a lovely holiday too!
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