Thursday, August 8, 2013

.good long marriage

20130628 Family Pictures (90) edit

Air and I have been married for 5 years today and we are enjoying our day together traveling to my family's cabin in the Uinta mountains. Where my family is awaiting our arrival (we can't wait!).

-Last year we were in the hospital on our Anniversary since Ames was just born.

--The year before that we were on our way home from Utah and staying with our friends in Calgary.

---The year before that we were flying home from Chicago to make it to Tiana's baptism.

----The year before that we stayed at the Anniversary Inn in Logan, Ut and then drove up to stay in Helena, Mt.

In other words... Our Anniversary has been a very special and eventful day for us every year, and we've been so blessed to be spending these years together.

I love you Aaron. Thanks for being my best friend and eternal companion. For eternity. It means a lot. For real. I'm not just saying that. I mean it.

Sincerely (!!!), Ambs

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

5 years! It goes faster and faster until you wait for a missionary to come home or have a depressed kid or something!


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