Wednesday, January 9, 2013

.fifth month

20130107 Ames 5 months (28) edit2

Oh blog, what can I tell you about Ames this month. He’s a whole new boy lately he understands so much and laughs and laughs all the day long. Sometimes we can even make him laugh while he’s crying. That’s my favorite.

Ames started being scared of anyone but Air and I at the beginning of this month, but seems to be doing much better around other people now.
He always likes to stand and jump, and still dislikes tummy time but tolerates it every day.

Oh, and he loves loves loves his toys.

20130107 Ames 5 months (60) edit20130107 Ames 5 months (80) edit 20130107 Ames 5 months (96) edit

some 5 month stats:
Ames has 2 teeth (bottom middle)
weighs 20 lbs
63 cm (24 3/4") long
he has rolled over 3 times on his own (tummy to back) and can sit up alone for a few seconds before falling over


mommaquincy said...

Wow! He is a big boY! You must be getting some serious biceps! He looks so healthy and happy! Nice job!

Nichole Potter said...

Wow he weighs as much as my almost one year old! He's a cutie and I love that jacket!


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