Sunday, June 3, 2012

.31 week baby brain

20120603 thirty-one weeks pregnant (36) edit

You know what happened this week? Stretch marks happened this week. One little mark on each side of my belly. And the great thing about it is that I don’t really mind them much. I mean, who sees my belly anyway?? Also, it’s my own fault for not throwing on my Bio-oil as often as I should…

Another thing lately is that my brain hasn't really been functioning properly.


1. I showed up at Young Women's recently with two different shoes on. I was so embarrassed I couldn't decide if I should either shove them into my purse and act like it was normal to not wear shoes at all, or just hope that nobody noticed. I pulled them back out of my purse and opted for the 'announce to everyone that I'm an idiot and get some laughs' option. Thankfully I don’t take myself too seriously.

2. A little while after painting the bathroom door in my house I walked back into the bathroom and just smacked the wet door open with my hand.

3. I keep doing that thing where you switch two similar words in a sentence. You know? For example: the other day I said to Air, "You should go black to your back berry phone". That sorta thing.

4. I am obsessed (more than usual) with sudoku. I don't know why, but the thoughtless monotony of that game has been very soothing for me lately. I can play for forever until I force myself to put it down.

It’s kinda great though, to have something to blame all of my dumbness on. We’ll just pretend I don’t have so many of these moments when I’m not pregnant… hehe


In other news, on the home front we’ve still been waiting for the stove and dishwasher that we purchased over a week ago to arrive!! Yeah, I'm getting pretty sick of just eating microwave food and sandwiches by now…


Nikki said...

First off, the shoe thing just made all of us feel better for all of the dumb moment we've had in our lives. Thanks for being strong enough to own up to it :)

Also, I figured out what was wrong with my sudoku app. The boys changed a setting that I didn't know that could be changed. It's working just fine again and I've been back at it as well.

Hope the appliances come soon. I'm in the opposite boat and occasionally having to remind myself that I no longer have a microwave.

mommaquincy said...

You will really appreciate those appliances when they come!! You look great and those stretch marks don't show at all! You should play words with friends with me!


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